Chapter 61: Grace

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I felt myself move and I groaned and I breathed in Nate's scent, I felt his hard cock on me and I froze my clit was throbbing. I lifted my head up rubbing my eye with the back of my hand, I pushed up blinking several times and then I saw him smirking up at me. I hand my hands on his chest, I looked over and Mateo wasn't there so I looked back at Nate.

"He went to go get JJ packed, Skinner dropped off the clothes yesterday." He spoke and I nodded. "Morning baby." He cooed and I leaned down kissing him, I moved against him so I felt his cock again and I froze.

"How long have you been awake waiting for me to wake up?" I asked him and his smirked turned into a blush. I tried ignoring the fact that I am on fire between my legs, I don't know what I was dreaming about but I'm sure it will come back to me.

"I like feeling you, so yes I've been here for an hour." He sighed and I hit his chest lightly with my own smile on my face.

I leaned down and kissed him and he deepened it pulling my hair, I moaned, and he thrusted his hips into me and I pulled away biting his lip. I started grinding against him and he groaned closing his eyes, I smirked and started kissing his chest, before going back up to his neck and biting him lightly. I reached between us playing with his waistband making him look me in the eyes before I grabbed his cock in my hand squeezing him very lightly, and I circled a bead of precum around his cock making him thrust up.

"Grace, fuck it." He groaned turning us over and I squealed as my back hit the bed,. He pulled down his sweats, took off my shirt and kicked them away smirking down at me. He leaned down kissing and sucking my neck, I felt his fingers thrust in me.

"Fuck..." I moaned thrusting my hips up. He pushed them in farther hitting my sweet spot making fire in my stomach bigger. My whole body shivered goosebumps covering me.

"You're already so fucking wet." He muttered pulling out his fingers, he rose up hovering above me, devious smirk on his face, before thrusting into me. I gasped feeling him fill me up his hard cock in me, he leaned down taking my lips. I clenched around him hitting me in all the right spots, I felt like my whole body was humming and I felt full complete. "Fuck Grace, you look so fucking perfect taking my cock." He said thrusting his hips back in me and I moaned biting my lip.

"Fuck... Nate." I said and he sped up putting a pillow under my back adjusting me so his cock hit me in the perfect spot my eyes rolled back, my body overcome in pleasure. "Oh... Fuck, right there." I leaned back closing my his and I started thrusting my hips meeting him.

"Fuck Grace." He spoke and he leaned down flicking my nipples sucking them, before nipping them lightly. I gasped before the door clicked open and we both froze.

"JJ is ready and... okay." I heard Mateo walk in and Nate and I laughed. Nate started thrusting in me again and I laid my hands one on each shoulder blade and rose up looking at him. I kissed him and I felt him flick my clit making me go over the edge, I leaned back and started scratching his back deeply, as I saw stars.

"Grace!" Nate cried and I felt him twitch before I felt his juices fill me and I gasped.

He kept thrusting until I came down from my high. I opened my eyes feeling him lay on me I loved feeling them lay on top of me. I rose my hand running my hands through his hair, Mateo was leaning against the wall watching us with a smirk. I clenched around him and he groaned and rose up pulling out of me. He gave me a quick peck on the lip before getting up pulling on some sweats he shot me a devious smile leaving the room but not before giving Mateo a quick kiss.

"Skinner apparently has a private plane according to Nate; we are riding that." Mateo spoke and I rose up standing beside the bed, pulling back on my thong and I grabbed Mateo's shirt pulling it on and he groaned. "I love when you wear my shirts." He said walking to me, I looked up at him and his lips met mine in a bruising kiss. He pulled away and I walked out heading to my room Mateo behind me. 

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