Chapter 116: Nate

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When Grace walks down the stairs, Mateo and JJ talking as they eat about school there's a knock at the door. I start to walk there but she waves me off seeing I'm cooking our breakfast. I hear the door click open then footsteps.

"You've been ratted on Sike told me you mentioned the job." Bucky talks his voice echoing through the house.

"I'm not even going to ask." Grace walks back in with him walking behind her. "I just joked, she pulled the strings, although she might pull something about me owing her it's no big deal." She shrugs sitting beside JJ.

"Who is this?" Bucky nods to JJ.

"This is my son, JJ." Grace introduces them.

"Yeah, okay." Bucky jokes but once he sees she's not joking he arches a brow. "You're not kidding." He whispers and she shakes her head.

"Definitely not." She answers, he smiles to JJ when JJ pushes his empty bowl away from him.

"Nice to meet you, JJ." Bucky nods.

"You too. Mom, can I go to my room?" He asks and Grace nods, he quickly makes his way up the stairs to his room still in his green pajamas.

"You and I both know you would have been pregnant with him before you moved." Bucky chimes and Grace nods.

"Met him when Blake had me." She says waving him off, he scoffs.

"Okay, not touching that. Anyways why mention me?" He asks and she smirks at him.

"Why not?" She says simply with a shrug like it's nothing.

"Why?" He asks, and she sighs.

"Look, you were one of the only people who looked out for me while I was there, why wouldn't I?" She asks once more.

"Okay, well, there is another reason why I am here. I found a car, want to help me?" He asks and she looks at him like she had hearts coming out of her eyes.

"Am I missing something?" I ask and he looks at me and Mateo seeing matching confused faces.

"I taught her how to fix cars." He said and I look at Grace like she had a third eye, but I shake my head remembering her telling me she knew how to fix cars one time. "Restore them to be more specific." He finished.

"Listen I haven't touched a car since I got here." She said and he looked at her.

"If you forgot some things fine but it would be nice to have help with this one. This one... has nothing but a frame, but I couldn't pass it up. I bought some other pieces to get it running when I found those." He explains and she nods.

"What is it?" She asks and he smiles.

"1960 Chevrolet Corvette." He says, and she smiles.

"Okay. That car isn't worth much though." She remarks and he taps his head.

"So, you do remember some things, I like the way those look, I probably will still sell it, depending on I feel about it when I'm done." He quips. Then an idea pops into my head.

"Is it here already?" I ask and he nods.

"Owner just dropped it off for me, Skinner could only get me a car, not anything to tow it with so I had to pay extra." He answers and I nod.

"Grace, do you want to go today?" I ask and she looks at me.

"Just leave you here with the kids?" She says and I smile, Mateo looks at me with a smirk, I roll my eyes at Grace.

"They are our kids, it's not an inconvenience." I remark, I reach behind me grabbing a doughnut Jordan is our personal shopper sometimes so she restocked the house for us on the way home yesterday. "Go if you want." I give it to her.

"Now?" She asks Bucky and he nods.

"We can." He answers, she jumps off the stool, and grabs a coat.

"Come on." She says and he laughs, as she shoves the doughnut in her mouth. He walks behind her as she walks through the door.

"You two are up to something, text me if you want me to make up some excuse for her not to come home?" He arches his brow and I nod. He quickly steps out behind her closing the door, and I hear the door and lock click.

"What are we doing?" Mateo asks.

"Going ring shopping." I say to him with a smirk, I fix my plate of breakfast and go to sit beside him. I put a piece of bacon in my mouth, and he walks up the stairs appearing a few minutes later with Luca. "I have a question." I start.

"Ask." He tilts his head towards me as he fixes a bottle for Luca.

"Are you at all jealous because he has my blood and not yours?" I spit out fast, he sits down the bottle and turns to me.

"Fuck no." He says insistently and I hold up my hands in surrender. "Why would I be jealous?" He asks and I arch a brow.

"You're really going to ask?" I remark and he sighs looking down he smiles at Luca.

"He is as much mine as he is yours that's how I feel." He answers and I nod. "I wasn't the least bit disappointed because I was happy, hell you're mine." He almost growls and I smirk behind my mug. "That made him my son just as much as he is yours." He smiles down at Luca.

"Listen I don't really want to leave the house because I am still pretty tired but Christi gave me some ring stores that operate online a while back some do same day shipping, they have amazing designs." I said and he nodded.

"I didn't really want to leave with Luca anyways." He smiles down at him. "JJ would just find it boring." He remarked and I chuckled. 

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