Chapter 25: Nate

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The door clicked open and we all looked up I started rubbing my face and I saw Skinner standing there. He stepped in and reached the foot of her bed and I saw of sliver or emotion bleed through but he blinked it away. He turned sideways facing all of us.

"The girl wants to be in the same room with Grace." He spoke and I stood up.

"Which one?" Mateo spoke we were all standing now.

"The older one, her name is Rya, she wants you to know she means no harm she just wants to share a room with her." He explained and he held up a hand before I could speak. "She has no one, she was alone when this happened, no social life, work and home, was all she knew. I can move you to a bigger room." He mentioned and Taylor stepped in front of us nodding.

"Do it." She answered and I closed my mouth. Skinner looked to each of us before nodding, he opened the door and three nurses walked in and started taking Grace out.

"Are we still going to be okay to see her?" I asked him and he nodded.

"She didn't have a problem with the doctors and nurses it's just touching. Don't touch." He said and I nodded. "Don't get to eerily close either." He whispered and I nodded once more.

He led us to a bigger room and the girl was already in there, she sat up as we walked through, she sighed as she saw Grace. She clutched her blanket as we walked past and the nurses quickly left the room after moving Grace. I settled in on the couch Mateo beside Grace in the chair. Rya stared up at the wall, and Taylor sat on the other side of Grace in another chair.

"I didn't think you would do it." Rya whispered gaining all of our attention.

"Is it okay if I come closer?" Taylor asked and Rya nodded. Taylor walked until she was standing at the foot of her bed.

"I am so sorry. I know that doesn't do shit." Taylor sighed out. "I am Taylor, that is Nate and Mateo, they mean you no harm." She gestured to each of us.

"What happened to Drew?" She asked and we all shook our heads.

"I don't have a clue." Taylor answered her and she pointed to the chair close to Rya's bed and Rya nodded.

"I bet you're wondering why I wanted this." She gestured to the room looking down at her hands clutching the blanket. "I don't blame her for anything, god, I would be the worst person." She trailed off looking at Grace. "I wanted to get to know her, the way Blake talked while he... he talked like she deserved everything he did. He called me Grace while he..." She trailed off and Taylor gasped. "I don't trust that I can cope when I leave here." She looked at the door.

"I will spend time with you, do whatever you need." Taylor offered.

"There is no need for that, and I know that this is weird. I know what she went through and I want to know her, I kind of think she has a piece that can help me with this if that makes sense." She trailed off.

"I can see how you would feel that way." Taylor said to her. Rya looked at her and smiled slightly.

"Every time I closed my eyes there, I saw him. I still see him." She spoke.

"You don't have to talk about anything unless you want to." Taylor whispered and Rya looked at her and then us. Rya grabbed Taylor's hand that was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Rya picked an area on the wall and just stared and Taylor sat there watching her closely, she would turn to look at Grace occasionally. I think that Grace would want her to do what she is doing now, it makes me smile thinking about the things she would order us to do. JJ curled up beside me and closed his eyes his head in my lap. I looked at Grace, begging all the gods she would wake up. I didn't think we would end up here, I thought we would be sleeping in our comfy bed, or here waiting for Rya, but I never thought she would be in a hospital bed too. I ran my hands over my head chasing away the tears.

I don't know how long I sat there looking at Grace, but I felt numb, I wanted to feel something but I didn't want to feel what I was feeling. I just sat there watching her hoping any moment she would wake up and I didn't feel what I was feeling right now. Everything disappeared but her, her voice, her smile, her frown, her face when she talked to Luca, her touch, her taste. Would I ever experience any of it again? Would she wake up or fade away into the darkness? Would she just be a body while her soul drifts away? I don't want to feel any of it but I keep thinking those things. I let them run wild, I have to if there was a way to forget for a while, I would. The door opened bringing me out of my daze.

"There is someone who wants to say hello." The nurses pointed at the little girl and JJ started groaning, waking up.

The nurses brought in two more beds and pushed Rya until she was directly beside Grace, she didn't act like she was uncomfortable with it. They pushed in two more beds putting them parallel to each other, there was now fours beds in here and a little girl ran in as the nurses turned to leave. 

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