Chapter 91: Grace

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I was now standing at the bottom as everyone stood still holding a gun up at them, a vision full of blue jeans t-shirt and seeing the jocks who used to give me pitying glances lining up the floor. Three of them over to the side with injuries dished out from Vince. Someone pushed through the crowd and I saw Trent and I sighed.

"And you?" I chuckled. "Oh my god my whole early life in one room. The jocks who gave me pitying glances that knew when Blake gave me black eyes and bruises." I slowly walked up to Trent pushing the gun into his chest. "And the one guy, who crushed my heart before anyone else." I chided before backing up. Sike walked behind me before walking back up with her gun and I saw Sweetness walking up.

"You could have said no." Trent chimed in and I chuckled dryly.

"Could I have? Seriously, could I? Because you seem to be the only one in the room who thinks I could have." I spoke. "The dicks behind you always gave me pitying glances, they understood a sliver of what I was going through to know I couldn't do anything but they were to much of a pussy to stand up to the damn quarterback!" I yelled lowering my gun as Sike pulled hers up.

"What are you talking about?" Trent scoffed and Sweetness looked up and I saw the pitying looks.

"That is true, we all knew, we all knew and we didn't say anything." Sweetness started and I felt the tears welling up but I blinked them away.

"That is not important!" Someone yelled and pushed through the people making them stagger and some fall. "I am Hex, do you remember me, Grace?" The hooded figure pushed Trent and Sweetness behind him holding his hands on. I tried listening to that voice once again but I just I can't place it. I rose my gun up.

"I can't... I don't." I answered and the hooded figure pulled it back. I saw the familiar face one I am sure I buried when I was in the eleventh grade. "D-Dad?" I gasped; I held the gun tighter.

"Yes hon. It's me." He smiled and tried walking up to me but Sike could see my reluctance shoving him into a nearby wall, holding him there with his forearm. Vince walked standing beside me.

"What the fuck?" I shook my head.

"Should we proceed as planned?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I need to ask him some things but I understand you have to do what you must. I buried him a long time ago." I spoke and he nodded, I cleared my throat gathering my nerves before speaking. "Why?" I asked simply and Dad laughed.

"Why not? After what your mother did to me, she took away my life, I wanted the world. I made sure I had it. But then when I was at the top, I didn't have my heir." He explained and I arched a brow.

"Your heir?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course, my dear, all this is yours when I am gone." He spoke and I laughed.

"What makes you think I want to have anything to do with this one pony town?" I scoffed. "This whole place is running like a prison you can't have anything unless you know somebody you aren't anything unless people in power put you there." I don't understand how he came up with this.

"Why not, my dear you would control everything." Dad spoke like I had just won the lottery. I heard the pole once again and looked behind me seeing Nate comforting Mateo.

"That is the fucking problem!" I yelled turning my attention back to my father. "My life was hell. And apparently you running this whole shitshow. Did you know about Blake?" I asked.

"Of course, I did. I thought he would make you tougher and look at you." He gestured and Sike slammed his head into the wall.

"Why? Why did you do this?" I asked.

"Because after your mother's affair I needed to get back at her and control that demon she created. The thing that ruined our family." I smiled remembering that conversation with Austin, I had when he told me.

"That thing. You call my brother a 'thing'." I muttered bringing my gun down. I felt a surge of anger and I brought it up darting to my so-called father bringing to his head. "My brother is the only reason why I am alive right now. I ran away from this town, ran away. I packed my shit up and I was gone." I gestured to Nate and Mateo who wore both watching me. "I found what I needed, and all this could have stopped Blake? I mean now thinking about it I guess it drove me to Nate and Mateo but that was no thanks to you, I found my way." I seethed; I took a couple deep breaths lowering my gun.

"I did that for you..." My dad sighed and I shook my head.

"You did it for revenge, you even faked your death for it. You didn't do it for me, I will never come back here not even if I am dead." I turned nodding to Vince. "He's yours." I walked up to Trent. "I was abused raped and kidnapped." I seethed and I saw his eyes widen.

"I didn't know." He rambled and I felt a tear go down my face.

"Because you believed the word of a psychopath over your best friend. What did he say I liked it rough and that's all it was? Or did he call me a slut?" I seethed and he looked down away from me. "Come on, you have to have some choice words because you let him find me." I held my hands out bitter smile on my face and I heard a scuffle.

"He..." Trent started but he looked to the floor. "I wanted you I thought you were my future but then you..." He trailed off.

"I what? Went off got a boyfriend left you in the dust? You don't leave your best friend because they get a boyfriend, you dick. You believed him when I needed you, hell anybody really and then the new girl trampled into town and she is my ride or die." I said, I stepped back looking over at Nate and Mateo. "Now I have three people who care that fucking much. I don't need you so don't expect me to forgive you, it's too little too late." I scoffed. Four people walked in the door that banged open wearing leather jackets, Serpents, they picked up Mateo and started carrying him out. I turned around and was starting to follow them before a hand grabbed me, I turned seeing Trent.

"Please." He said and I jerked my hand out of his hold.

"Fuck off. You've done enough." I said simply and walked out the back door watching them carry Mateo around the building I ran up to Nate, who had tears going down his face.

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