Chapter 9: Grace

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After my very long-drawn-out shower I told Drew I was getting warm, he let me pump and told me he would just get rid of the milk I pumped, I just simply nodded even though he couldn't see me. I sat down the pump and bottles then I pulled on my robe and he escorted me back to the cold room. I was thankful he didn't hurry me in there, letting me have my time getting warm. I pulled off the robe and strapped myself back in and told him I was fine. He turned around nodded and fastened in my wrists.

"Why are you being so compliant?" He whispered.

"I know this is a losing battle, especially if you were begging me to not try anything. He really is unpredictable, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is, you have no idea." He answered fastening my hands.

"I have some idea."

"You hungry yet?" He stepped away arching a brow.

"Get me two grilled cheeses." I requested.

"Alright then." He spoke leaving the room.

After I don't know how long time can either be drawn out in here or very short because of my daydreaming I heard the door shut. Drew stepped back in waving a white paper bag and he gave it to me letting me hold it as he undid my hands.

"Are you going to tell me about the camera?" I said gesturing to it. "I know it's streaming live somewhere." I pointed out pulling out a sandwich.

"My idea, they will find you easier. Blake can't access it just me." He explained. "He said it would let the whole world see you are his." He finished rolling his eyes.

"Power trips are going to get to him." I sung silently unwrapping the sandwich biting into it groaning.

"Good?" He asked and I nodded. "Two husbands huh?" He teased, I almost choked I hit my chest stopping myself.

"You don't get to judge." I smirked at him. "I don't even know how you know, it's not like its legal not that that matters to us."

"He followed you, heard your friends saying it on more than one occasion. Don't worry nothing bad just jealous you have two guys." He explained and I smiled.

"I love them. I hope they don't blame themselves for this, especially Taylor." I said hoping the camera picked that up.

"Yeah, about this Taylor, she single?" He asked and I shoved him with my fist to his shoulder.

"Yes, but I can't speak for her. You do look her type." I explained. And I had to mentally slap myself for talking to him wasn't he helping Blake, I closed my mouth.

"I am not helping him, you know? I have no choice." He said as I finished the first sandwich unwrapping the other.

"I wish you would tell me what that means." I pleaded and he shook his head, I took a bite. He stepped to the side and I looked at JJ he was sound asleep no nightmares this time.

"You care about him?" He asked and I nodded still looking at JJ.

"He stole my heart the moment he opened those pretty eyes." I said wishing he would open them so I could see the deep orbs of green.

"I'm surprised he hasn't woken."

"He had a nightmare earlier he needs sleep." I pointed out.

"Yeah, I saw. You distracted him and I saw how you talked to him." He gestured to JJ as I took another bite.

"I like kids." I said shrugging talking through another bite. He looked at me and smirked don't know exactly what for but he did.

"He wants you to be his, he says if you say yes, you two can live together with JJ. Why not take that? Give up instead of staying here?" He asked motioning to the room.

"My guys won't give up until I am found. When I am found I will take JJ home all the same." I finished taking my final bite out of the sandwich. He nodded handing me a napkin I wiped my hands off and he grabbed my wrists tying them down again.

"Hopefully we won't have to wait until then." He said gathering the trash.

"Well, if you are ready to tell me about this big plan, enlighten me." I quirked. I wish I didn't have to figure out his riddles and be confused each time I talk to him.

"You will know when it's time. I guess, I can tell you this, you two are not the only prisoners he has." He said gesturing to us and quickly closed the door leaving not waiting for a remark from me.

"Who the hell else does he have?" I whispered going through my mental folder and I can't think of anybody else that he would take. He was never close with anyone but me, I mean he was only ever with me besides those jocks in school. They always felt sorry for me, pitied me, I don't think he would take them they were all scared of him, what would he want with them?

"Grace?" I heard a little voice. JJ was waking up, he looked at me squinting.

"Hey little man. You feeling, ok?" I checked in.

"Guess so." He said shaking his head, I realized he does that a lot when he wakes up.

"Why do you shake your head when you wake up?" I asked curious.

"It helps me wake up faster, I learned in the home make the older kids back off before the grab us." He explained.

"What do you mean grab you?" I questioned.

"They grab us out of bed sometimes make us take our clothes off and chase them to get our clothes back." He explained. I shook my head, why can kids be so cruel? "If we are awake, they usually don't bother us." He finished.

"I'm sorry bud." I consoled him.

"It's ok I started making friends with a kid before I was taken." He shrugged slightly. The door banged open louder than when Drew walks in.

"Hey, honey. You want to talk?" He sung walking in stopping in front of me.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked turning my hands in a circle gesturing to me. 

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