Chapter 43: Nate

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"Hey Grace. Glad to see you're awake. I'm Dr. Gibbons." He walked over and Mateo walked over standing beside me as the Dr. stood beside Katz. "Your hematoma in a couple hours will get worse now that you are awake. Dr. Katz has been monitoring you all night and I would like to operate now before your brain function declines. Is that okay?" He asked and Grace looked to me and Mateo before nodding slowly.

"I guess." She shrugged. Gibbons nodded to Katz and Katz picked up her chart. "Let me know when she's in Pre-op." He said walking to the door. "Good to see you're awake Grace." He finished walking out the door.

"How long have I been out?" Grace asked to no one in particular.

"A while." Taylor answered.

"How is Luca?" She asked looking at me and then Mateo.

"He has been wanting his mom. He is here." Mateo turned letting her see the crib. He picked him up carefully and gave him to Grace, she looked down smiling at him. If she was feeling pain from holding him, she didn't show it just smiling down at him.

"I missed you." She whispered and she kissed his forehead. She held him out again and nodded at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded.

"I still feel weak and I don't want to wake him." She explained and I took him and laid him back down in the crib careful to keep him asleep.

"Ok Grace you are looking good I can come back in about 30 minutes and take you to pre-op." Katz finally spoke.

"Okay." Grace nodded at her and Katz turned leaving. Grace looked at us then at her hands. "What happened to him?" She asked and she looked back at us looking for reactions.

"Skinner has him." Mateo asked and she nodded she leaned back putting her forearm over her head. The door opened and Skinner walked in smiling. He walked to Grace and Grace leaned up smiling back at him, he leaned down hugging her and she hugged him back.

"Hey stranger." He said and sat down beside her. I sat down and Mateo did the same Taylor sat at the foot of her bed.

"Hey." She smiled at him. "How is he?" She asked and we all gaped. "Not Blake. Him." She said and we all were puzzled.

"He is good. Has been worried for you. He is behind me in another car." He said and she nodded.

"Okay who the fuck are we talking about?" Taylor asked and I was wondering the fucking same who the fuck are they talking about. Is he the favor that got her all this? Grace smiled at her then Skinner.

"You haven't told them. I figured as much." She laughed slightly. Skinner smiled before turning to us.

"You know in my business it's a favor for a favor." He started and we all nodded. Grace held up a hand and he stopped she was looking at Taylor.

"You remember I said I would be away for two days and it turned into five?" She asked and Taylor nodded. Then Grace signaled for Skinner to start again.

"Grace helped me..." He trailed off, and looked at Grace. "She helped me hide one of my men. He was on the hook for twelve murders and she hid him, guarded him while he recovered from two gunshots before I could collect him." He finished.

"What the fuck Grace?!" Taylor yelled and Grace chuckled pointing at her.

"I knew you would have that reaction." She smiled and then looked at us. "You had to know I was crazy a long time ago don't judge." She scolded and we chuckled.

"He didn't do it. That was the FBI's way of trying to stop my business." Skinner explained.

"Oh. Say no more." Taylor instructed and held up a hand and there was a knock at the door.

"That him?" I asked and Skinner nodded. It was like a family reunion here. The door opened and a man walked in wearing a black baseball cap, hood over it and glasses he looked at the floor until the door closed then he looked up. He slowly took off his cap and glasses and he didn't look more than twenty-five years old.

"The FBI thought I would sign a deal if they went after one of my men." Skinner explained he stepped out of the way and let the guy walk to Grace. He had blond hair and blue eyes, definition of a model this one. He walked slowly to Grace and sat down beside her and held her hand.

"Not going to speak, Blondie?" She quipped and he chuckled, his voice was much deeper than what I thought it would be.

"I don't know what to say it's been so long." He said and she laughed silently.

"You, were a real jerk sorry if I didn't want to swap numbers." She joked and he smiled.

"Two bullets in you can make you that way." He laughed out.

"Oh, you can't handle a little pain, pity." Skinner joked and we all laughed. I liked seeing her up like this joking, they were joking around like they were old friends.

"I can't stay long to many people around." The guy I guess name was Blondie spoke and Grace nodded. "Nice seeing you, Grace. Let me know if I can do anything for her." He stood up looking at Skinner who nodded.

"Nice to know you're still alive, I still have nightmares about making myself out to be a pussy so those people would leave the house your ass was hiding in." She sung and he laughed.

"That was hilarious and you know it." He said walking to the door.

"No, bitch, it fucking wasn't." She said when he stopped at the door putting on his glasses and cap.

"Agree to disagree see you. Get better." He said and quickly left.

"Don't fucking judge me. I did what I had to." She said pointing to all three of us. "By the way I've heard everyone while I was asleep, I heard mostly you three and Austin and JJ." She explained and we nodded smiling at her. I think I've got my girl back hopefully for good, nothing else can fucking happen not now. 

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