Chapter 119: Grace

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I fixed steaks and Mateo helped me, Nate fixed salad, Rya helped me with some potatoes. I made conversation with Rya and Austin, as I fixed the steaks, I hid the pregnancy test by the fridge on the counter. I put one steak on each plate and we all went into the dining room we rarely use, I put Luca down and Austin fixed JJ and Annie some macaroni and grilled chicken.

"When are you going to take it?" Taylor asks and I lightly kicked her under the table and gave her a pointed look.

"Well not now." I roll my eyes.

"Momma are you pregnant?" JJ asks beside me and I drop my fork and knife. I was at the head of the table Taylor on my left, JJ on my right, Annie beside him, Rya was in front of her beside Taylor.

"Sorry I told him." Mateo says at the other end of the table and I smile.

"I don't know yet." I answer him and he just starts eating again. "Would you want another sibling?" I ask and he immediately nods.

"I like being a big brother. I love Luca." He says and I feel my heart get ten times bigger.

"Why didn't you call me to go back with you?" Austin blurts and I sighed.

"Why would I do that?" I ask and he arches a brow.

"Why wouldn't you?" He asks and I shrug.

"I had Taylor, I had unfinished business there not you." I explain and he nods. "I didn't want anyone else to be hurt because of me, alright?" I roll my eyes and he hold up his hand in mock surrender.

"Alright, but I've always been looking out for you." I stopped chewing and look at him making eye contact with him. "Even though you haven't been watching, and had no clue who I was, if you ever need me, call me woman." He finishes and I swallow then smile covering my mouth.

"Alright then." I chime and I push back my plate feeling like I can't eat anymore.

I am now pacing in my bedroom Rya and Taylor lurking over the plastic stick laying on the counter.

"What did you do this time?" Taylor asks and I sit down on the foot of my bed.

"Okay I need to do something because I forgot a couple more pills this time." I roll my eyes and Rya sits down beside me.

"Have you ever thought about sterilization?" She asks and I look at her.

"No, not after Luca I wanted another kid, I just didn't think it would be this fast." I answer and she nods.

"The shot maybe an implant?" Taylor asks and I nod.

"I don't know maybe I should think about it, I have been going crazy trying to remember them with the kids and Blake, and Trent." I say and they both nod. They both head back to the stick and they turn around hiding their emotions. "Spit it out." I say and they both looked up at me.

"You're pregnant." They both whisper at the same time, and I instantly feel happy. I look at both of them and nod.

"I'm happy it's okay to be happy." I say and they both squeal. I quickly go to the counter and grab the stick and dart down the stairs.

"Mom, can you come here please?" JJ is at the entrance to the sitting room and I walk putting the stick in the back of my pants, when I walk into the doorway the living room is covered with roses. Nate and Mateo are standing in a circle of rose petals dress in slacks and dress shirts and I arch a brow.

"What's going on?" I ask stepping forward I look at the candles and the rose petals on the floor and I feel speechless. "It's beautiful." I whisper, and I look at them seeing them both smiling at me.

They both kneel down and Nate pulls out a velvet blue box and I put my hands over my mouth. He opens it revealing this beautiful blue ring and I look at the both of them.

"Promise us forever, Angel?" Mateo asks and I nod immediately. I feel like I breathing so fast right now my heart feels so full, I love these men and I can't wait to spend forever with the two of them.

"Always." I whisper and they both stand up kissing my cheeks while Nate slips on the ring. I hear whooping noises and I turn around seeing JJ, Rya, Taylor and Austin celebrating. I feel the stick being pulled out of my pants and I turn around about to snatch it back when I see Mateo holding it.

"You are pregnant." He almost gasps and I see a ring on his finger, I pull his hand into mine and I see it's silver basic but beautiful. "You knew we would get one Angel." He quips and I get up on my toes kissing his lips.

"I know but it feels different actually seeing it." I whisper and he smiles down at me. Nate drapes an arm across Mateo's shoulder and leans over seeing the test.

"Okay so another baby." He says casually and I laugh.

"Another baby." I quip, he leans in kissing my lips.

"Love you, Angel." He whispers.

"Love you, Angel." Mateo kissing me.

"I love you both." I wrap my arms around them. "We're having another baby!" I yell turning around facing the others and they all yell some more and congratulate on our future together and our baby. 

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