Chapter 88: Grace

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I feel like I am going stir crazy, I need to be there with Luca, JJ and Mateo but I need to be here because a couple of idiots are going to grab my husband. How the hell did I get here? My heart is beating like crazy. I can't think straight I mean sure I have been sleeping up here thinking about how tomorrow we would be fine, but would we? God I can't think like this. I put my head down on Nate's chest trying to listen to his beating heart hoping it will calm my own. I clicked my button muting myself once again.

"Angel please." Nate wrapped his arm around me. "Come on, I need you to be strong because if you fall apart, I will definitely fall apart." He spoke and I heard a sob. I looked up seeing him with tears in his eyes I reached behind us turning on the flashlight and I saw where a few tears have fell.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. I got on top of him straddling him and I looked down at his beautiful green eyes and ran my fingers through his hair until I felt my heart slow down. I laid my head down on his chest.

"He will be okay. He has to be." Nate whispered. "I recited this what seemed like a million times for you, and here you are so fucking beautiful and still mine." He cooed and I smirked.

"We are his." I looked up at him saying and he chuckled.

"Just letting you know I am back." Vince's voice chimed.

"Okay." I hit the button saying clicking it off.

"I never saw that coming... Being his. It feels surreal." He looked back up at me. "Sometimes I feel like we need rings or something." He trailed off and I nodded. It would be nice maybe to have a ring or a necklace, maybe even a tattoo.

"It would be nice to have something." I spoke.

"You told us no rings." He chided.

"I said no two rings. If I get a ring, I want one. One that the both of you pick out, that way I don't have to shuffle between them." I explained and he nodded. "I love you both equally I want a ring you like equally." I whispered.

I closed my eyes and he never said anything but I feel him harden. I looked up at him and he had his eyes closed smirking. I moved slightly against him acting like I was fumbling and I feel his cock twitched.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked and he opened his eyes smirking at me. I rolled my eyes but that earned me a had around my throat. He tightened his hand a bit and started moving me against him, grinding me into him.

"Do not roll your eyes at me Angel. I was thinking about this pussy, it clenching around me, smacking this ass..." He grabbed my ass with his other hand and squeezed, I moaned closing my eyes. "Our husband is out there in potential danger and you have me thinking about this pussy, that is what you do to me." I feel amazing, I always do like every part of my body is always aching for him. My heart always feels so full I love both of these men so much it fucking hurts, I don't want to be away from them. Nothing can happen to them. Nothing. Nate dragged me lower hitting my clit through my jeans.

"Hmm." I hummed opening my eyes seeing his smirk across his face. "We can't do anything we have to be ready." I groaned and he stopped nodding at me. He let me go and I laid back down still straddling him, I was throbbing between my legs.

"Ok so there has been a change in plan." Vince's voice chimed in again and I reached up unmuting the button.

"There is a group of people out looking for Mateo. The plan hasn't changed yet, but if you want, we can move this plan along or we can keep going like we are." Dom's voice came through. "Our groups are already positioned outside once we told them the plan, they insisted on coming in case this didn't go as planned." He explained.

"What has Mateo said?" Nate asked before I could, I heard a click and a sigh.

"So..." I heard a dark chuckle. "What do you want me to do?" He spoke.

"It isn't us that are going to be taken bro." Vince chimed.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"I want to get this over with." He sighed.

"I can support that." I agreed, Nate looked at me with a stubborn look in his eyes and I hit his chest.

"Me too." Nate said reluctantly. I put my hand over Nate's mouth and lowered myself onto his crotch to get him motivated somewhere else.

"Okay then. I love you." Mateo cooed.

"I love you too." I spoke and let go of Nate's mouth then scolded him.

"Love you." Nate chimed and I put my hand back over his mouth. I heard a click.

"Alright guys I will check back in once they pick him up." Dom's voice came through before a click.

"I will check in when they check in." Vince spoke, another sound. I slowly raised my hand off of Nate's mouth. I hit my button on my earpiece and I saw Nate do the same to his.

"You don't get to punish me for that." I told him and he nodded. "You and I both know you would have said something you would regret and he can't hear that right now." I said and my eyes started welling up as my brain caught up with what is happening.

He is about to go out there and get their attention to be brought here, to lure me here, there is no telling what they will do to him. I got off Nate and wrapped my hands around myself shaking. This is about me, Mateo is putting his life on the line for me, one of the loves of my life is putting his life on the line because of me. I can't feel anything I am starting to go numb and I can't hear anything.

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