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Vikk's P.O.V

Lachlan stood up all of a sudden seeming like he was in a hurry after the ducks left. His back the last thing I saw before he walked out of my sight.

"I really don't think he likes me guys." I sighed staring at Aussie and his mother and siblings. Aussie's plump little yellow body waddled towards me, bowing slightly before crawling back to

his mother. A small smile crept it's way onto my lips as I stared at them all, I loved animals, not because they obeyed me...But because they were so......

What's the word I'm looking for here? Loyal...That was the word. They never betray you, especially wolves. Those are the one's I love the most to be honest.

I just can't tell these guys that. Resting my hand open on the grass I smirked as the flowers swayed towards me, the imaginary breeze pushing them near me.

I may not be a complete human, but I'm pretty lucky for what I got as my other side. Blue, man, that one is just....Amazing,

Truly, astounding actually. I just can't believe Preston's a red one though....RED!! That's practically, lethal...Well, ok, it is lethal but still...

He might hurt everybody around us.....I get Rob's upset but, maybe it might be better if he doesn't come back....Just for everybody else's safety...

Jerome's P.O.V.

I stared at the path that Preston rushed down on, his face seemed agitated, panicked. Bright lights flashed from the direction where he ran.

Did he capture the sun?!?! He did....Didn't he....Unless he's a.....Oh my gosh....I found him....A Green, a Red...All were missing now....Is blue....

Maybe Preston knows him....I hope so...Preston's voice snapped me out of my train of thought, snapping my head sideways I smirked as soon as I saw Preston.

His clothes singed and burnt, his hair dusty and nearly black like smoke. His eyes a fiery bronze I shuddered as warmth radiated from his body.

"Had a nice tempertantrum hot head?" I joked earning a chuckle from Preston he nodded his head, replying to my comment catching me off guard.

"Nah, I need to do that or else my blood will heat up and I will be burnt from the inside out. Basically, the heat will cook my organs." Preston explained, the joke dropping dead I nodded.

"Huh, I did....Not expect that alright, fair game, well played, amen, now...Where we heading lava P?" I questioned causing him to flinch as soon as I said the word lava.

"Ummm, just this way, they should be around. It's weird, it's like I can hear Rob screaming" Preston directed his face filled with confusion 

A growl slipped out of my mouth as a man's voice screeched across the area, Preston's face turning pale I stared at him.

"Yeah, that's Rob." He confirmed before sprinting down the path towards the direction the voice was from. Is he the blue one? And what's a Rob?

Correction, who is Rob?

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