Silent Greetings

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--= Lachlan's + POV =--

He walked ahead of me in silence and I trailed behind. I don't really know what to do or what to say to him. Even if I did, I'd probably be too afraid to.

The quiet made the air ill and tense, but Preston seemed to force himself to only walk and do or say nothing else but that exactly.

I wonder if he heard my conversation with Mitch. The whole thing about me being exhausted from taking care of him. I wasn't tired of him.

I was tired of the sobbing mess of a state he was in. Then again, I'd rather have that then this Preston, but it'll pass and die down.

We all know that for a fact so there's no point denying it. He will let go eventually, maybe not soon, but eventually.

"When are we getting there?"

He piped up. Eyes widening as they snapped over to his direction, I cleared my throat giving myself time to think before answering.

"In about twenty minutes to forty five. Why do you ask?"

Cocking an eyebrow at the demon of a man who stalked in front of me, my heartrate picked up when he spun around.

The dim red in his eyes piercing into me making me feel unsafe. When he finally uttered the words, his voice shot shivers down my spine.

"......... I want fuzzy."

Preston decided to leave it at that making me forcibly end the conversation there. I mean Preston and Jerome were close, so I could understand.

But it still stung a bit that he didn't even acknowledge me unless it was for his own benefit. He's too independent. Too precautious.

Maybe the Bacca will knock some sense into him.


--= Mitch's + POV =--

The doorbell chimed through the area and I couldn't help but laugh at how quickly Jerome bolted to the door and ripped it open tackling Preston into a hug.

Preston engulfing his arms around Jerome just as quickly, they squeezed each other, hugging away all the loneliness the other cost while they were away.

Softening my gaze to see a tear slip from both of their faces as they began to whisper quietly to one another, Lachlan stepped over them and made his way over to me.

"I didn't think they missed each other that much." Lachlan giggled. Nodding my head as a small sigh parted from my lips, I could only help to gaze at the two of them, warmth shining in me.

"Yeah..... It's nice to see Jerome not pulling an act on me for once."

"He was acting for you?" Lachlan asked. His mouth agape in shock I nodded, chuckling a small bit as I rubbed one of my eyes.

"He scrunches up his nose whenever he does something he doesn't like. Acting? Isn't his favourite. Or lying to me either."

"Preston didn't have the courtesy to do that for me!"

Lachlan laughing loudly at his own stupid joke and he was the only laughing at it too, he wiped a hand through his hair as his eyes darted to Jerome and Preston as well.

They still haven't gotten up from the position they greeted each other in but they were clearly talking since their mouths were moving.

"Hey Mitch?" Lachlan murmured. His tone soon serious after the laughing fit he just had about slight offense, I glanced at him before darting my eyes back to the duo.


"......... I have a plan but I need to know what you think of it." Heartbeat knocking out from under me I couldn't help but turn to stare at him.

I know for a fact what it is right here and now, and I know my opinion, but I also know the right answer to the question even though I'm dying to say no.

So I said what any polite person would in this crazy world we live in. Even though it ripped me apart inside for doing something so cruel.

"I'm all ears."

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