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--= Rob's + P.O.V. =--

"Preston?" I spoke up. My voice shaking from fear I watched as Preston cringed. Still not turning around.

Confusion filling my mind I stared at the Pyro in front of me, wanting so badly for him to respond I knew in my heart Preston would most likely not speak up. Especially since it was me that was talking to him.

".....Preston come on. Please talk." I begged. Tears threatening to spill from my eyes yet again Preston stayed silent.

".........Hi Rob." Preston answered. Not seeming to want to face me I felt my expression soften.

Preston's voice just sounded so...... So hopeless,... it's kinda depressing.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. The words slipping out before I could stop them Preston cringed yet again.

The flames around Preston seemed to dim at what I said. And Preston responded to me, this time not being as silent as he was just moments before.

"Tell you what? That I burn things? That I'm a pyro, probably the last of my kind in this whole entire planet?" Preston snapped.

The coldness and rejection placed firmly in Preston's voice I watched him as it washed away. Immediately being replaced with shame and defeat.

Which was not two characteristics I could see in Preston....Ever

"It's just.....When you first met Jerome you seemed a little.....Vicious.....And.... It kinda scared me a little bit I'm not gonna lie.....

And how you treat the others at times.....Its insane! And everybody has flaws and everybody has weaknesses and..........

You're a really amazing person Rob, and sorry if this insults you but....

You just seemed like the type of person to me that would hate me after they found out what I was." Preston sighed.

Preston still facing the other way I felt my face fall at what Preston said. I mean....

Yeah, it kinda hurt that Preston didn't tell me but..... It would have hurt more if I didn't find out before it was too late.

And I'm just lucky I did...... Somewhat.

--= Jerome's + P.O.V. =--

Stepping out of the tent, giving up on trying to sleep completely I went to sit by the campfire. The fire embers burning dimly I started them back up again.

Blowing softly on the embers I collected a bundle of sticks and threw them into the mini flames. Immediately causing light to glow across the camp.

Mosquitoes repelled by the smoke and rushed away to the safety of the dark, while other nocturnal animals fluttered around as always.

Not even seeming the slightest bit fazed about the fire. As I watched the embers dance around and light up the dark around me, I immediately thought of Preston.

Preston just seems like the guy who is great with fire. Who no matter what happens still has that, that flame burning brightly in his heart and in his eyes.....

And the best thing about it is, you can see it.

"Jerome?" A voice spoke up. Sounding nerved an stressed out I whipped around only to find none other than Vikk.

"Hey Buddy! What's up?" I questioned. Noticing the fear flickering brightly in Vikk's eyes what he said made me suspicious.

"Can I, can I talk to you for a sec? Please?" Vikk questioned. Vikk's eyes darting back and forth as if to make sure no one was around I nodded.

"Sure, come and have a seat buddy!" I invited. Vikk gracious to take me invitation I stared Vikk down as he sat beside me.

"Uhh, okay so..... This may sound really bad, and weird, or scary but.... I...... I was assigned a job that I don't want to do. But I'm forced to do it or else people get hurt. But people will get hurt anyways and I have no idea what to do." Vikk bursted out. Tears streaming down Vikk's face I watched as he buried himself up into his knees. Shutting the world out while he powered down.

"I....... Uh, Vikk. I have no clue how to help on that one but if it makes you feel any better.

Like even the slightest bit, I'm here for you." I offered. A smile on my lips it immediately fell as Vikk began to cry even harder.

.....Did I say something wrong?

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