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The house was in sight now, and I could tell Preston was debating whether or not to run just by the look I had found on his face when his eyes widened as he saw the lights inside of the house were indeed on. 

There truly was no escaping for Preston. I know he wouldn't actually bolt, but at the same time I'm slightly worried he will. 

What if as soon as I knock on the door they see me and the back of Preston as he scampers off into the night like a hermit not wanting to be found? Who will stand up for me? 

Who will help me to be accepted back into the group. Lachlan perhaps? He seemed okay with me before it happened but the situation changed. 

Mostly because of me, and demons, and the trial of murder..... How am I not in jail for this? It almost feels weird to remember that there is still civilisation out there even though it has only been a couple days of lying down by the lake with Aussie and just staring up into the skies. 

Night or day. Pouring rain or ice cold winds. I just sat down, ashamed. Thinking of what Preston had said when he had met up with me the last time and how surprised I was to see he actually came back. 

I can't use my powers like Preston. I don't have fur all over my body like Jerome because I'm not the life part of the trio. I'm water. I'm not as strong, not as proud. Not as happy. 

Well, except for maybe right now because Preston looks like he's about to go on a murdering rampage.

 Mosquitoes buzzed about silently, nipping at our ankles and taking whatever they please off of us since we had no bothers in stopping them. 

My eyes narrowed in anticipation, and beads of sweat glided down the sides and centre of my face the closer I had gotten to the house.

 Butterflies and realisation of how crazy this was of what I was doing, and, if not for Preston beside me whom also wanted to run, 

I would have sprinted off trying to escape the last chance I had. He would either more than happily follow me,

 or more than gladly strike me down and drag me to the doorstep complaining about how if he couldn't run neither could I.

 I glanced over to see him, and his look was expressionless, monotone. I raised an eyebrow trying to catch his attention yet again to no avail and I was left alone with the anxious thoughts who were yelling at me to run.

'This is suicide.'

'You're asking to be struck down right now.'

'Do it.'

'I dare you.'

'We all dare you.'

My hand raised, trembling in fear as I did so. And as it came tumbling down, it knocked against the door causing it to echo through the lands and shatter the silence I had not realised was so ill.

Snatching the collar of Preston's shirt, I got a look of pure hatred and desperation shot my way that collapsed under the monotone look he had once worn.

Trying to play it cool in hopes I would back out afraid was no longer an option, and he knew it too. We heard shuffling from the inside, which caused Preston's eyes to grow even larger than they already were.

"Please just let me run away Vikk. I'll get cookies at a bakery?"

"Tempting, but no." I laughed. Preston parting his lips about to speak, they snapped shut immediately and as fast as I had ever seen them once the door swung open to reveal an awed Lachlan in the doorway.


"I umm, thought you might have lost something." Taking Preston's hand and tugging him so he stood in front of me, Lachlan's scared face lit up into one of pure relief as he enveloped Preston into a hug.

Causing me to flinch inwardly. Preston's arms stayed by his side, but the once fearful expression was replaced with one of total confusion. Obviously expecting to be yelled at or scorned.

"Don't do that again, you scared the crap out of all of us. Now go inside, I'm sure Jerome and Mitch both want a hug too." Preston looked up into Lachlan's eyes hesitantly, then back towards me waiting for an okay.

A simple nod sufficed enough for him, Preston was already off and on his way as he walked past Lachlan and started shouting uncomprehending words only Jerome or Mitch could understand.


The sounds of crashing faded when I darted my gaze back towards Lachlan, and a smile fumbled onto my lips. Half real, half false. Lachlan frowned.

"You shouldn't have hid for so long. I thought something had happened to you." Bowing my head down as I felt heat swell up along side with guilt, I managed to stutter out a word.


"...No time for apologies for now, come here." My hand being wrapped into his, I stiffened to feel my chest pressed against his and before I knew it Lachlan's arms were wrapped tightly around me.

His body shaking subtly enough for me to feel it.


Lachlan pulling away, clearing his throat while doing so he glanced in my direction. Looking me up and down over and over, not remembering to invite me inside. 

An eye roll needed to be held back, I ushered myself inside pushing Lachlan into the house with me. Australians these days. Don't even know how to greet there lover right after a year.


Small note! As you know if you had read my message board, and for those of you who didn't it's okay I shall explain <3 The gist of this is, I want to hurry this story along sad as it is so I can bring in new stories into my account.

 I have so many I need to publish yet I'm already running six books and this balancing act is really hard. I update one every day except for Monday since Monday's I can never manage to update anyways. 

It truly is difficult for me on Monday's so that's obviously a no, and even though now is a Monday I am warning you this book is going to end between the next two to three chapters or so of this book,

 so I'm more than likely going to be double updating while trying not to screw with the schedule too much. Thank you all, so much for understanding! 

I love each and every single one of you <33
 Take care guys :3

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