Oh's No's It's A Bacca!

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Jerome's P.O.V.

Mitch's expression of fear and worry when he warded me off made me feel uncomfortable.

My paws smacked against the ground. Kicking up dirt whenever I lifted them back up again.

My legs moving my legs back and forth in a rythym of motion I followed the beat. Keeping steady pace so I wouldn't run out of breath.

My fur tickled my skin as the wind blew. Refreshening my face and gently slapping my eyes everytime the breeze picked up.

Opening my mouth a peek I let the wind tickle my tongue as it swirled around my mouth.

My feet slowly changed direction as my eyes caught sight of the campfire. Making a bee line to the camp fire I slowed to a stop.

Poking my head downwards I felt a smile grow on my lips. Preston was sitting, his legs out stretched.

Tucked cozily underneath the burning fireplace. I flinched whenever a poping or crackling sound came from the twigs.

My twisted mind imagining it was Prestons bones snapping from the heat. Preston didnt seem to notice I was there yet.

I stared at him for a little longer. My eye widening once I saw his hand. A small flame flickered on each of his fingertips as a large one burned

brightly in the center of his palm. Opening my mouth no words came out. Accidentally making a gurgling sound with my mouth.

I saw Preston tense. Balling his hand into a fist he extinguished the flames in a flash. Whipping around I saw fear flash in his eyes as he saw.

Silence lingered between the both of us. Not seeming to mind the silence I waited patiently until he spoke up first.

"Please don't tell anybody..."

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