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(Lachlan's P.O.V)

~Time Skip Two Days~

The silence rippling around the camp was unsettling. I was so used to loud noises, cheering furry men/bear hybrids, laughing Canadians and Vikk with Aussie at the pond.

The only quiet person of the group. Now? I don't know where he is...... I know he's around.... But I'm worried.

The chubby duckling Vikk absolutely adored waddled around aimlessly as I stood on top of the hill, looking out below me, where the camp lay still and quiet.

"Missing Vikk?" A voice spoke up. Chills caressing my back at the tone of his voice I whipped around. Only to find Preston staring straight back at me.

Preston's eyes were narrow and bloodshot, and his face was ashen too. There Were severe bags under Preston's eyes and he practically looked dead, yet he was still smiling like always.

"Yeah, haven't seen him in a while..." I mumbled. Preston only seemed to nod at this as he continued to keep his head low. Now talking while resting his eyes.

"Yeah, we've all been having tough times." Preston murmured. Feeling my gaze soften at what he said I stared at the moonless night sky.

The stars covered from the thick clouds that we can't see. As the vast universe of space danced round behind it.

"I don't have a hard time believing that. So what happened to you Mr. Zombie?" I asked. Preston snickering at the joke I giggled a little at his reaction.

"Paranoia. Sleep insomnia, remember?" Preston pointed out. Nodding at the excuses I agreed.

"Yeah, I remember." I shrugged off. Preston only seemed to scoff at this before closing his eyes once more for a good minute or so.

"Vikk's acting differently Lachers." Preston slurred. Sounding drunk on exhaustion I shifted my eyes to the sleep little teenager.

"How so?" I wondered. Panic bubbling around in my stomach I held my fear down. Not wanting to over react.

"..........I think he needs you. Vikk's been hiding in his tent, crying. I go to see him once in a while, but whenever he sees me or Rob or Jerome,

he ends up screaming, crying, freaking out or all three. It's pretty bad Lachers. I'm not going to lie." Preston explained.

Feeling my stomach churn at the idea of my Bae freaking out made my heart splinter into two. Vikk is having problems? Is that it? He hides away so no one sees him in distress?

"Alright, I'll go see him in the morning." I declared. Preston bobbed his head slightly, his eyes still closed shut.

"Sounds like a plan." Preston agreed. Shuffling over towards me I watched him pause before backing away slowly, resting himself on the tree as he was before.

"You alright there Preston?" I asked. Concerned for the teenager Preston nodded his head.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm alright. I'm going to try to sleep though." Preston stuttered. Cocking an eyebrow at Preston I just shrugged it off. Not wanting to cause any tension.

"Goodnight!" I called out. Preston raising a hand he waved gently, lazily shouting a 'Goodnight' as he walked down the hill backwards.

Opening my mouth to ask him why he was doing that I saw something slithering around Preston before he completely disappeared into the dark of the night.

What the fudge a doodle is up with that guy?.......

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