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Rob's P.O.V.

Whipping around I let my longing take over my control. No longer in control of my body I let my feet take me to where I wanted to be.

The soles of my shoes smashed into the ground whenever I took a step. Springing me up every time I lifted my foot.

Accelerating my speed until I reached my limit. The muscles in my legs flared in pain. As my heart hammered against my rib cage.

My mouth dry as I tried breathing in. Only for the air to be spit back out, unhelpful.

A smile grew on my lips as I saw the campfire come into view. Sure enough, there was the fuzzy...

Monster...Person...Animal in a suit...Thing....And Preston. My heart fluttered as soon as I saw him.

Heat rose to my cheeks I slowed to a walk. My hands shook the closer I got to them.

A sigh escaping my lips I picked up my pace so I was speed walking. Almost trotting.

The light, chestnut hair laid classily on Preston's head. Preston's eyes were light brown with a mix of orange. Like an amber, or bronze color.

The black shirt he was wearing was wrinkled and baggy. Yet he seemed perfectly fine. In good shape, he seemed healthy.

Relief flooding through me I stopped. Only realizing I was a meter behind him. The fuzzy thing in a suit tensed as he sniffed the air.

Slowly turning around. A smile slowly grew on his lips as he saw me. Preston following his gaze I saw his eyes widen once he saw me.

"Rob?" Preston spoke up. Preston's voice was hoarse. Preston's throat squeezing in on him all he did was stare in disbelief.

Bolting upwards after the shock cleared from his mine he locked eye contact with me.

A smile slowly grew on his lips as he marched towards me. Causing heat to rise in his cheeks I met him halfway of the few footsteps.

"I missed you." Preston answered. Hope and joy shined in his eyes as he looked at me.

The huge grin on his face made his lips look so kissable.

Trying my hardest not to lose control I kept back.

Making sure my lips were far enough from his, lucious lips....Stop it Rob! NO KISSING PURSTON!!!!

"I missed you too Preston." I replied. The grin on his face stretching even farther he looked me in the eyes.

Opening my mouth to speak up I snapped it shut as I felt something wrap around me.

Snapping my head downwards I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I saw Preston. Preston had his arms wrapped around my waist as his head

laid on my chest. Slowly perking his head upwards I held my tongue. A squeal on the edge of my mouth I held it in as best as I could. Jerome watched us eagerly. Interested in the affection we were portraying to one another. "Wow, you guys are cute." The fuzzy thing sighed. I felt my eyes grow wide. Whipping around I stared at the fuzzy thing in the eyes.

"You can talk?!?!" I squeaked out. Shock numbing my insides. I awaited for a response but all I got in return was laughing.

"Yeah, Jerome can breathe, eat, and sleep too Rob!" Preston piped in. A giggle in his tone of voice as he spoke.


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