Letting Pride Go

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--= Mitch's + POV =--

Racing side by side with Jerome I picked up my pace as soon as I saw Rob sprawled on the floor. Determination settling inside me I kneeled down beside Rob.

But immediately stumbled back as Preston lunged out of the shadows. Coming from out of nowhere. (No pun intended like legit m8 --_--)

"Agh!!" I squeaked. Bolting up from where I was I stumbled back. Only for Jerome to catch me softly and hold me close.

Heat rising into my cheeks I shot a quick glance at Jerome before staring at Preston. Preston's eyes were glowing red.

No white, no usually happy brown, pure. Red. Blood red. Goosebumps crawling on my skin at the sight of Preston I quickly tensed once Preston stared me in the eye.

"......What. Happened." Preston spat out. Venom glowering in Preston's tone I watched as he gritted his teeth together.

Preston's teeth were razor sharp, as sharp and brutal looking as switch blades.

Jerome's arms snaking around my upper waist slowly I cuddles into Jerome even more. Feeling for the need of protection.

"We don't know. We just got here and Rob was dea-"

"Don't say it." Preston growled. Jerome and I silencing ourselves we just watched as Preston's anger slowly melted away

Leaving only grief and agony. Tears stating to well in Preston's eyes I felt my own tear up.

"It's okay Preston, well all miss him."

"No......It isn't the same as you guys missing him. He's dead. We got into a fight. He's gone now!!

I NEVER GOT TO TELL HIM I LOVED HIM!!!" Preston shrieked. Tears spilling down Preston's face I felt a single tear roll down my face.

A hoarse, choking sound coming out of Jerome's mouth I whimpered...........Is that going to happen to us too?......

Turning around I stared Jerome straight in the eye. The equal amount of fear glimmered in his eyes as much as mine.

"..... You don't have to Preston...... He knew you did." Jerome spoke up.

Preston's eyes widening at this I whipped around to see Preston's reaction.

Preston opening his mouth to speak up it was cut off by Preston's pride snapping in half.

Wails and shrieks echoing out of Preston's mouth I watched shocked as Preston broke down in front of Jerome and I.......

But.....Preston never cries.....My heart aching at the sight of Preston so broken down like this I buried my head into Jerome's chest.....

I can't watch this....

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