Meeting With The VikkStar123

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Jerome's P.O.V.

I watched him as he weaved in and out of the trees. I watched him like a hawk,

Once in a while peeking downwards to see something stuffed in his blue, tight pants (Jeans).

What was in his pants? Catching up with ease as he walked fast paced he turned to give me a quick glance before continuing to navigate

His way through the forest trees and back to his camp.

"Just letting you know, the only one's who will probably accept you are Mitch and Vikk, Lachlan is confused,

and Rob will come up with an excuse to kill you saying you're dangerous." Preston warned his voice serious I nodded,

'Not unless I kill him first'. If only I could, I wonder what they would taste like. Preston flashing me a strange look I looked at him.

"What?" I questioned but he just shrugged his shoulders and quickened his pace. Why was he in such a rush?

Preston's P.O.V.

My eyes scanning the trees and forest trails I felt my hands heat up then cool again,

Debating whether or not to set themselves on fire I fought against it. My whole body tensing as some words left Jerome's mouth.

"I wonder what they would taste like?" Jerome questioned causing my eyes to grow wide as my eyebrows scrunched together.

Turning to stare at him he gave me a look questioning what he did wrong but I shrugged my shoulders and continued to move.

My tail scrunched up I flinched whenever it poked my skin. Hiding it in my pants wasn't the greatest idea, what happens if I set myself on fire?

Will my pants burn leaving me naked? I never actually thought about it before....Probably because I'm weird...

Or insane...Or both...Probably both but still. Something splashed close around me causing my ears to perk up as I snapped my head

Towards the direction it came from. A smile spreading on my lips as I saw Vikk playing with ducklings near the lake.

That's Vikk for ya. Beckoning Jerome to stay where he was I strolled out of the trees, plopping myself right by Vikk as he continued staring

at the ducks. Silence caressed the air as I waited for him to notice me. A smile on my lips I heard him laugh a little,

Slightly tilting his head his eyes widened as soon as they saw me.

''PRESTON?!?!?!" Vikk screamed his chest rising and falling insanely fast I smiled at him.

"Hi Vikk." I responded causing him to laugh a little as he gave me a quick hug. Before pulling back he took his hand, pushing it through his hair.

Puffing out a deep breath of air he stared at me. An amazed and awed look on his British face.

"You're a real piece of work Preston, you know that right?" Vikk commented laughing a little I nodded my head laughing as well.

"Yeah, I mean come on! I'm a cactus! Remember? Oh yeah, speaking of cactus, I have a new buddy!" I squealed.

"How does that have anything to do with cactus?" Vikk muttered causing me to laugh as soon as the words left his mouth.

"It doesn't, but, he is really special. Just, promise not to freak when you see him." I wondered gaining Vikk's full attention now.

A plump little ducky gazing up at me in Vikk's palm as he stared at me. Awww! Ducky! Standing up I motioned for Jerome to come.

Slowly walking out of the shadows Vikk's jaw dropped as he saw what Jerome was.

"Oh...My....God..." Vikk breathed out, speechless. The fat little ducky started quacking as he ran around in circles on Vikk's palm.

"Yup!" I commented earning a smile from Jerome he walked towards us, sitting beside me he out stretched his hand.

"Hi I'm Jerome! Are you Vikk? Preston told me about you, said you were nice." Jerome greeted. A smile on Vikk's lips he accepted the hand shake.

"I'm Vikk, and might I ask, you are a bacca am I right?" Vikk questioned putting his head to the side so one eye was looking at us.

"Yes siree! I am a man of the bacs!" Jerome nodded completely happy that Vikk knew what he was.

I Am So Happy We Went To Vikk First.

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