Bear Man

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--= Mitch's + P.O.V.=--

The sunlight lit up the tent like the moon in the dark. Scrunching my eyes closed from the brightness I quickly lifted my arms up and rubbed the soreness out of my eyes. 

A yawn rolling off of the tip of my tongue I stiffened my limbs. Out stretching myself in anyway I could i let myself relax only after hearing the satisfying crackles and pops my bones made. 

My eyelids still clamped shut I quickly fluttered them open. A smile slowly stretching tiredly onto my lips it immediately fell when I looked to my left. 

Expecting a bacca to be sleeping next to me my heart skipped a beat when I realized that Jerome wasn't there. 

"Shoot...." I muttered. Quickly sitting up I stared at the outside of my tent doors. My eyes bolting around the outdoors it caught onto something which made me relax from my previous tense position,

 earning a sigh of relief to escape my lips I stared at the sleeping Biggums by the fireplace. A light source of heat radiating on my cheeks I quickly crawled out of the tent that I was in mere seconds ago. 

Trying to make as little noise as possible I failed miserably judging by the fact that Jerome indeed woke up as soon as I tried to stand.

 A purr of exhaustion rumbling through Jerome's chest I just smiled. Not being able to help myself as Jerome slowly woke up adorably, and as I might add in the little description, attractively.

 Quickly rushing a hand through my hair so my head of hair wasn't a complete mess Jerome's eyes locked onto mine.

"Hello Mitchell." Jerome yawned. A dog sound escaping Jerome's lips as he did in fact yawn it made my heart skip a beat once more.

"It's Mitch, Jerome. And good morning to you too." I chuckled. Politely rubbing out the crust in my eyes Jerome smiled at me even more.

Now seeming to be regaining balance with reality and finally waking up. Shaking my head gently to wake myself up, this time successful I strolled over to Jerome.

Letting myself sit down beside the attractive bear man.....My eyes widening at the thought I contained a laugh....I like Jerome....No, correction.....I love Jerome...

I love Biggums....I love MY Biggums...

--= Vikk's + POV =--

This is it. I made my choice, I know what I'm doing and I know who I am choosing. Staring at the sleeping figure below me I squeezed my eyes closed as my fingers tightly gripped the trigger.

"I'm sorry..." I breathed out. Tear stains streaking down my face I let my thumb pull the trigger back and I watched as the bullet went straight through his chest.

A sound blared around the area, his eyes shot open and I screamed, his screams of agony sinking with my shrieks of terror....

Blood oozed around us as he laid there. Quickly earning a puddle of blood to surround us gruesomely..... Guilt overwhelming me I whipped around and ran....

I shot him....

--= Lachlan's + P.O.V. =--

The bags under my eyes screamed in pain as my eyelids begged to close. Struggling to fight the urge of rest I knew I wouldn't be able to for much longer.

Birds fluttering around and chirping in the early morning I felt a smile slowly spread onto my lips. Fighting as much as I could I eventually let my eyes slip closed,

A long, breath of air exhaling from my chest I let everything slowly drift away from me. Entering myself into a world of dreams and nightmares....

But it was quickly cut off by the blaring sound of a shotgun and two blood curdling screams.....

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