Chapter Ten. Lagos

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I do believe in people making bad mistakes but when it becomes a constant, it's no longer classified as mistakes but bad habits. For instance, lying. One could lie to save their ass but when you begin to lie when you don't need to then it has becomes a habit.

I stared at my mother, waiting for her to tell me the truth. She knew what I was waiting for and even in the face of judgment, she still stood her ground that she wasn't lying. Bullshit.

"Why can't you just own up?" I was trying not to yell, she is still my mother and I should be able to give her that respect.

"There's nothing to own up to Funke, what are you talking about?' Not only is she good at lying but also acting. Someone hand this woman an Oscar because she deserves it.

"I have never seen a mother so blatantly lie to their daughter and still deny it." I said with a glare. What hurt the most was that she still stared at me with the same blank look, like she wasn't ready to accept that she had been caught.

She stayed silent for a minute before I heard her sigh then she sat on one of the dining chairs. "I'm sorry."

"You're always sorry but then you end up doing the same fucking thing, every fucking time." I didn't care if I was raising my voice at this point, I just wanted to let her know how I felt.

"Don't swear at me Funke, if you don't want me to slap you." She stood up in a flash and she was in my face, as if she was ready for a physical altercation.

"I'll swear if I fucking want to-" and the slap came in, just like she had promised.

It hurt like a bitch but that didn't stop me from speaking. "If you can lie about this, then God knows what else you have been lying to me about, God knows mum." I threw my hands in the air in pure frustration.

"How did you find out?" she took a few steps away from me, as if to get some air.

"Snapchat doesn't lie." I told her and her face still didn't change.

I needed a reaction from her, anything, anything but a slap on my face. Did she feel bad that I caught her? Or she was feeling bad because she was caught? I needed something, anything.

She hummed in response and went back to her seat on the dining.

I had a spa day planned with my mum, shopping and just general fun for two days ago. She seemed excited for it and she promised she would be there. That morning she told me she had to rush to Abuja for work and I understood, I dragged Adrian with me so the money for the spa wouldn't go to waste. While shopping, I checked my snap map and boom my mother was there, only a few miles away from me. She wasn't in Abuja like she had told me.

I thought hard and I couldn't come up with a reason why she would first cancel our day out and second why she would lie to me. It didn't make any sense.

Two days after, she appeared, acting like she didn't lie to my face for two days. I didn't hold it in and I confronted her shortly after she stepped into the house. And she lied, she fucking lied, again!

"Why did you lie?" I asked, at the verge of tears now. I was doing everything not to break down in front of her.

"I'm really sorry Funke, I shouldn't have." She looked at me with an apologetic face but I wasn't buying it. For all I know she could be faking it too.

"You're always sorry." I rolled my eyes.

"If I'm not sorry what else would I be?" she snapped.

My eyes widened, not expecting that from her. She noticed what she had just done and her eyes widened. "Oh shit, I'm sorry." She face palmed herself

"Just forget it." I shook my head in pain, disappointment and anger and I made my way upstairs.

She was hot on my trail, calling my name repeatedly and I ignored her and just before I slammed my room door in her face, she held it. "Funke I'm sorry. I really am."

"Just tell me why?" I couldn't control my tears now.

She stayed silent, just watching me and I knew she wasn't going to give me an answer. I shook my head again then slammed the door in her face and locked it without regrets.

"Funke please, let's talk." I heard her say from the other side of the door.

"I gave you that chance, but you wasted it." I slid to the floor and pulled my legs to my chest

"Please, I'm sorry." I could hear her fingers tapping softly on the door. "Please."

"Go away mum." I said to her.

Silence followed but I knew she was still there. About a minute after I heard her speak. ""I had a job and I knew if I told you the job was here in Lagos..." she trailed off, her voice fading with the silence.

"You think I wouldn't have let you go for the job?" It still didn't make any sense to me.

"Yeah," her voice was barely audible.

"Why would you think that way?" I had stopped crying now and I wiped my face with the back of my hand.

"Because you were so excited and I didn't want to spoil things for you. I knew if I told you the job was outside Lagos, you would take it easier than if I told you it was in Lagos, I felt you would understand better." I heard her heave a sigh after she spoke.

"I wouldn't stop you from going to work mum, especially when that work brings food to the table." I said after some seconds of silence.

"I'm sorry I thought wrongly of you." I heard her move. "Now can you please open the door?"

I slowly got up and unlocked the door. She was standing there with her face stained with tears and her eyes red. "I'm really sorry, I promise to be more honest with you from now on." She opened her arms for a hug and I stepped into them.

I guess all promises are meant to be broken.


Sorry for the lack of an update all week. I'll try to update again this week.

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