Adrian. Chapter Thirty

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A/N: It's a double update so make sure you read chapter 29 before this


January 8

I couldn't believe my eyes but what shocked me the most was that she was oblivious to the truth that was right in front of her and I said hurtful words that I regretted immediately just because I was angry and confused.

Why did her mother lie to her? For twenty seven years at that. Even when Funke had asked her who her father was, she lied. Why?

I turned to look at the said man. Just one look and I could tell he was her father. Funeke was the female and darker version of him. If Funke had blue eyes then just maybe she would have placed the last piece of the puzzle in it's place by now.

"She's mad at you," Jules said and I nodded, feeling bad but choosing to sit here instead. I needed answers.

"You're her father." I said, going straight to the point.

"I thought I wasn't seeing correctly." Juan, his son said from beside me.

Jules sighed. "Please don't tell her."

"Why shouldn't I?" I was so close to snapping.

"Because that is her mother's call." I could tell that he didn't like it but he had no choice than to take it.

"I don't see how, you're her father so you also have the right to tell her."

"Her mother isn't ready too tell her and I doubt she will believe me." I could see the worry lines creased on his forehead as he said those words.

He clearly wanted to tell her by then couldn't just because.

"Then make Dianne tell her. This isn't fair and I don't think I can keep this a secret for long. She'll kill me if she ever find out" My mind imagined Funke yelling at me and probably and her ignoring me for days when she finds out.

Jules sighed and I knew what that meant; he can't.

"Fine," I straightened my spine. "I'll make you a deal. You have one month. If neither your or Dianne tell her then I'll do it myself."

Jules shook his head. "I'm not so sure-"

"Do it or I won't stop her." I cut in.

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"She knows that her mother is keeping something from her and she's determined to find out the truth. Knowing her, she is cooking up a plan by now looking for a way to get the truth. If in a month which is her birthday, you or her mother haven't told her, I'll either tell her myself or if I see her plan to get the truth is working, I'll leave her to do it her own way." I paid for the drinks and got up.

"When is her birthday?" He asked.

"February nine." With that I walked away from them and headed straight for our suite.

By the time I got there, she was already passed out on the bed. Her dress and shoes still on. I replaced her dress with one of my T-shirts, then I helped clean her make-up, before her skin care routine at night. I was glad I had watched her do this several night to the point that I could now do it for her without guidance.

When I was finally done, I tucked her in properly and placed an empty trash bin by the bed just in case she woke up with the urge to puke. I also placed a bottle of water by the night stand before getting into the bathroom and taking a shower.

As I scrubbed my body, I couldn't help myself from thinking. I had so many questions that only her mother could answer. But the one that kept ringing in my head was: Why she had lied to her, for twenty seven years at that?

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