Chapter Thirty Nine. Chicago

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I feel the tears at the corner of my eyes and I fight them. The last thing I need is to mess up my makeup when it's not my wedding. Riya and Andrew just finished saying their vows and everyone can see the love between them.

"Andrew Ezzeh, do you take Victoria Black to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better or worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, for as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asks and everyone goes silent, waiting for Andrew's response.

"I do," he finally says and a grin takes over my face. The pastor asks Riya the same question and she nods before saying, "I do."

The ring bearer brings forth the rings and I'm half listening as they exchange rings and half looking at Adrian as he stands behind Andrew.

The thought that can't leave my head is, this is going to be us in two months.

Adrian took me to dinner shortly after I got back home from the hospital and this time he got on his knees and asked me to marry him with a ring. After saying yes and still crying, I told him that it wasn't necessary for him to do all that since he had already asked before but he said it would be un-manly for him to not have asked me in the traditional way. I didn't mind though, I was happy to have had to experience that.

Adrian catches me staring at me and he grins before sending me a wink. I sniffle a laugh and decide to focus on the wedding now.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." The pastor says and Andrew wastes no time in kissing Victoria.

The crowd erupts in cheers and when the couple of the day stop kissing, then turn to face the congregation.

"For the first time ever, I present to you all, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Victoria Ezzeh!"

Another round of applause and cheers fill the church. Riya turns to look at me flashes her left hand in my face while mouthing "I'm married." To me.

I send her a wink and the Korean hand symbol of "I love you."

She grins at me before walking down the aisle this time with Andrew holding her hand firmly. While cheering them on, Adrian comes to my side and loops our arms. I lean into him and he quickly kisses my temple before leading the way out of the church.

The wedding reception is all drinking, eating, and fun and games. I'm so happy for Riya and Andrew.

I'm shocked when I see Miles in the crowd of people so I excuse myself from my friends and make my way to his table. When he sees me he stands up from his seat and meets me halfway. Miles is an old friend of ours and somebody that normally wouldn't be here but if the couple wanted him to be here, who am I?

"Miles," I side hug him. "I'm surprised to see you here, Riya didn't tell me she invited you."

"It was actually Andrew who invited me." He shrugs. "Anyways, how are you? It's been a while."

"Yeah it has. I've been good, what about you?" I give him a once over and as always, he looked hot in what he wore.

"I've been great." He beams. "How is your boyfriend? Adrian right?"

"Actually its fiancé now," I flash my left hand in his face and his eyes grow wide. "He should be somewhere." I look around me as if I did not just drop the bomb that I was getting married.

"Wow, congratulations! I'm so happy for you." Miles grins and from the way his eyes are wide I can tell he truly means it.

"Thank you," I finally spot Adrian in the crowd. "Oh, there he is" I point toward him and Miles and I make our way to him.

Adrian is talking to a group of men but quickly excuses himself when he sees us coming. I excuse myself from them and make my way to the bride standing at the buffet table.

"You didn't tell me Miles was coming." I nudge her side.

"I didn't know until last night." She shrugs. "But it's not bad, he's a friend after all. I heard he has a girlfriend now."

"Really?" I pause my search for a snack to put in my mouth.

"Yep." She nods. "Good for him"

"You know, I'm so happy that we're all having our happy endings." I drape my hand over her shoulder and lean into her.

"Me too," She leans into me.

I spot Andrew making his way to us with Adrian a few steps behind me.

"Hey ladies." Andrew greets when he stops in front of us.

"Hey," I let go of Riya and continue my search for food.

Adrian comes to my side and joins me. Soon after, all our friends are there and we all form a circle with our arms around each other's shoulders.

"Honestly," Drew starts. 'Meeting you guys has been the best thing that ever happened to me."

All of us nod and say little words in agreement.

"I pray we all get to grow old together and one day get to tell our kids our stories. How we started from hating each other," Adrian, Drew and Zayn share a look and we all laugh. "To loving each other and being there for one another."

"I love you guys." Riya says, looking at all of us.

"I love you guys." We all chorus and hug ourselves.

The DJ starts playing a new song and with the circle we formed, we all start dancing together.

This may sound cliché but if someone had told me ten years ago that I would end up with love like this all around me, I would have laughed in their faces. This was all I ever needed to know and realize from the very beginning; I'm loved and never alone and that is all that matters.


I'm in tears. The Epilogue is next so stay tuned. 

If you want to know Victoria and Andrew's full story then go read the Forever Series. The correct order is on my profile so you won't be confused. Please note that the series is a first draft (most of my books are), so it's not perfect . I will edit it in time.

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