Chapter Twenty One. Chicago

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Running my hands through my hair only makes it more tangled but frankly I don't care, I have a pile of work to get done and I'm only halfway through with only a little time left. I toss the papers in my hand to the side and pull myself closer to my desk, straightening my back in the process. I run my hand through my hair once again before focusing my gaze on my computer.

A groan leaves my lips when I hear a knock on my door. I look up and a confused frown settles on my lips when I see who it is.

"Jules?" My eyes widen when I'm convinced he is the one. "Come in."

He nods before pushing my door open and stepping in. "Funke, I hope I didn't come at the wrong time."

It is a wrong time but I'm really curious and confused as to what he is doing here so I'll let it slide. "No, it's not." I stand to my feet and gesture to the couch by my left hand side. "Please sit."

He chuckles softly before taking a seat on the couch. I make my way over to the couch opposite of him and sit too. "This is a surprise."

"Was in the building for business, thought I should stop by and say hello," he smiles. "Are you alright? You look a bit..." he trails off and I take the liberty to complete his sentence.

"Stressed, I know," I run my hand through my hair again this time to smoothen it out. I do hope I don't look like a truck ran me over considering how I tangled it with the same fingers moments ago. "It's been a rough couple of days," I force a smile for his sake.

"So sorry to hear that, and even more apologetic knowing that I've brought more work for you," he chuckles lightly and pushes the hair that was in his face away, obviously nervous.

"It's fine, it's my job anyways and I'm getting paid handsomely for it so no qualms." I wave my hand dismissively, "coffee?"

He shakes his head, "no, thank you, just had a cup a while back and I have another meeting next."

I nod, happy that I won't have to get up to prepare coffee for him. "How is Juan?"

"Oh he's fine, I guess we'll all be seeing each other more often now." He pushes his hair away from his face again and I can tell he does that when he's nervous.

The missing piece to the puzzle I've been trying to solve for a while finally comes to me and my lips slowly stretch to a smile. "My birthday is in three weeks, I'll be having a few friends and family over, you're invited, you and Juan.

His eyes widen and he clears his throat. "When's the date?"

"Ninth," I answer crossing my fingers that he'll be free that day.

He takes his phone out of his suit pocket and after a few moments of swiping he finally looks up at me smiling. "We'll be there. Thank you for inviting us."

I shrug, "any friend of my mum is a friend of mine too."

His phone starts ringing and his smile vanishes before he looks at the screen. He sighs, "I have to go now." He stands up and places his phone back in his suit inner pocket after silencing the phone. "I hope I can see you before your birthday." He stretches his hand forward.

I place mine in his and shake his. "I hope so too."

I follow him to my door and watch him walk toward the elevator. When he steps in I turn around and go back to sitting on my chair. I don't know what it is about Jules but every time he is around I always feel this peace, like nothing can ever go wrong. I guess it's one of the reasons I need to know why my mum is hiding him from me.

If they both get back together, I have nothing against that, after all I want her to be happy and he looks like a man that will make her happy. I just hope I'm not wrong about him like mum was about Seyi.

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