Chapter Twenty Nine. Chicago

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"Jules is your father."

Everything slowly begins to make sense and not make sense at the same time. My head is scattered and if I don't sit I would pass out or go crazy from thinking so much. The glass of champagne I'm holding drops from my hand and after some seconds I slowly make my way to the bed and sit on it.

The last thing I need is a panic attack so I focus on calming my mind, and taking deep breaths while trying to ignore Jules and my mother in the room but it isn't working.

I look up at my mum, shell shocked. "Explain."

She looks at Jules but I shake my head. "I want you to explain."

"As you know, your father and I dated back in high school but before I dated him, Jaxon and I were together. Jaxon and I broke up the summer before senior year. I really loved Jules and that was why when my parents decided that we were leaving Chicago, I couldn't say goodbye so I left two weeks after breaking up with him with no explanations. A few weeks after we arrived Nigeria, I realized I was pregnant. I couldn't tell my parents that it was for Jules, they would have skinned me alive so I lied to them, told them I was raped but my mum was smarter than that, she knew I was pregnant for Jules so she and my dad sent me out of the house and told my brothers to cut all ties from me which they did. I couldn't reach Jules because I had lost his contact. At that point in my life, I lost everything and all I had was you. I struggled by myself to raise you, it was hard," her voice breaks and fresh tears begin to roll down her cheeks again. Then Jaxon appeared, I had no one else to rely on but him. He helped me build my career, supported me and that was how I was able to afford that house and have some stability in my life. He proposed and we were planning the wedding but the pressure from his parents was too much and I broke and told him to never come close to me and you again. Then I met Seyi, I was too heartbroken to take note of if he was a good man, when he proposed I said yes without thinking twice and we got married. My parents died shortly before I married Seyi but I couldn't go for their funeral because they had clearly stated that they didn't want me there. It was after their funeral that I married Seyi and that was when you saw my brothers for the first time."

Now it made sense why they ignored my existence. Her family members are cold-hearted. Who disowns their child and cuts all ties from then?

The missing pieces of the puzzle slowly begins to come together and it feels like I can no longer hold myself together but I know I have to so I suck it in. Mum isn't done telling her story.

However, Jules is the one to speak up now.

"I met with an old high school friend, we got talking and I heard that your mother had a child and I just knew that I was the father. I got my guy to trace her and it so happens that I was dropping a friend at the airport when the news came in that your mum was landing. I waited for her and when I saw her I demanded answers which she gave me. The goal of taking her to your office that day was for her to introduce us but she didn't, that was what we were arguing about in the car park. Days after, I met her at the bar, took her home and that was when I met you for the first time. One look at you and I knew, I knew you were my daughter. I demanded that we did a DNA test to be sure and it came out positive." He reached into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out a piece of paper. Slowly he handed it to me.

I took it but I didn't need to open it to believe him. Mum's eyes agreed with him and I knew that I was going down in seconds, just one straw and I would lose control of myself and would turn to a mess.

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