Chapter 2 - In like Flynn

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 2 – In Like Flynn

No one's POV

With a great deal of skepticism, Jade looked at what was in Tori's hand. After a second Jade's eyes practically bugged out of her head. The object in question, was a DVD case for what appeared to be am 80's horror movie called, Band Camp Massacre. The cover showed what appeared to be a standard summer camp scene with several frightened looking teenagers. In front of them was a tuba with an arm sticking out of the open end and blood dripping from the mouthpiece. The tag line for the movie read....

"How many will make it to the final measure....."

Looking rather surprised, Jade walked up and Tori handed her the DVD case.

After examining the case she looked back up at Tori, looking somewhat impressed. "I've never seen this one and I've always wanted to."

"You mentioned it once in passing, at lunch, something about it being really obscure. I was lucky to find it."

"It was released in 1982, the same weekend as ET and only played in like a dozen theatres around the country. It only played for one week, vanished and the production company that made it, went out of business 6 months later."

"I even brought a couple of those Hammer Horror films you're always raving about, 1958's, Dracula and 1961's, Curse of the Werewolf for us to watch. I've never seen either one of those." Tori then took the DVD case from Jade and turned to head to the front door. "But I have to leave, so...."

Tori took exactly 2 steps, before Jade gave in. "Ok, you can stay over."

Tori turned, looking just a bit smug. "I just wanted to make tonight fun. Does that mean I get to enter the Inner sanctum? I'll even promise not to touch the sacrificial altar."

"Ha Ha!" Quipped a sarcastic Jade. "Real funny Vega. Play your cards right and you may end up on that altar. I'll clean up here. You grab your bag and put it in my room and don't touch anything."

Tori left, leaving Jade alone with her thoughts. While she was no longer depressed, she felt torn and at the same time this strange tension seemed to be lurking in the back of her mind. Tori had brought some good food and some good movies; something Jade really wanted. It's not like Cat, Jade thought, who'd probably show up with a couple of happy meals and a game of Candyland. But it was more than the fact that Tori came prepared, but Jade put that out of her mind and finished cleaning the kitchen.

Several minutes later, the kitchen cleaned, Jade came upstairs half expecting to find her room in ruins. As she came to her room, Jade found herself pausing in the doorway to see just what Tori was doing.

Her first feeling was that of relief, as it seemed nothing in the room had been touched. Tori herself, was standing near a set of shelves in one corner, studying the various strange objects on it. Tori then focused on a rectangular object with something carved on it. Looking closer, Tori could see it was some strange symbols and two odd looking people.

Jade hesitated for a moment to watch her uninvited houseguest with almost the same curiosity as Tori showed the object she was looking at.

"It's a Mayan carving, only a small reproduction of course. Got it in Mexico, on a family vacation a while back." Announced Jade, from the doorway.

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