Chapter 25 - Welcome to the family, part II

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 25 – Welcome to the family, part II

No One's POV

Jade and Tori walked into the living room to get the much-needed explanation. Entering the room, they could see Alice and Kendra sitting on one of the two couches, holding hands and looking very happy. Carrie was sitting at the bar off to the side and Laurie was sitting on one of the two easy chairs.

Like a good host, Tori walked to Kendra first and offered her a glass of wine then to Alice. After they had taken their glasses, she gave one to Carrie and then Laurie and then Jade.

Finally taking her glass, she sat down next to Jade on the other couch.

"Kendra. I'm sorry we reacted in the way we did. You two getting married, wasn't quite what we expected." Tori then took a sip of her wine and took Jade's hand. "I'm not sure what she told you about how all this was...."

"Planned." Noted Kendra, as she smiled at her wife. "Yes, I know. Alice told me everything."

"Go on sweetie," said Alice. "Just tell the story."

Kendra collected her thoughts for a moment. "My name is Kendra Espina, I was born and raised in California. My parents are divorced. I live with my father; he is a construction engineer. I've always been rather shy and withdrawn. People usually interpret that as me simply being moody and aloof. That being said, I have always loved soccer, ever since I was a little girl. My grandfather, who was from Mexico City, played professionally, with soccer team known as Cruz Azul. He was a right midfielder. I always wanted to be like him. But mainly my focus growing up was either soccer or my studies. I really didn't have much in the way of friends and was never much of a people person. I dated a few boys in high school, but nothing seriously. I just couldn't commit, as my feelings were confused. At least up to the point where I saw Alice. I knew I loved her the moment I saw her, but to put it simply, I was too afraid of act on my feelings. I figure I'd just be rejected or she'd find me boring. So, I covered up my feelings with hostility and my natural competitiveness on the soccer field."

Tori grinned and looked at her wife. "Covering up feelings with hostility, my that sounds familiar."

"Shut up Vega!"

Jade then looked to Kendra. "Sorry you were so rudely interrupted. Please continue!"

"Um....the other night, Alice showed up at my doorstep, wanting to sleep over. I was angry at resentful at first. I thought she was simply mocking my feelings or something. She came in with food I loved, from one of my favorite restaurants and made a serious effort to engage me in conversation. That was something I always resisted."

Kendra stopped briefly and then a thoughtful look came to her face. "After dinner, she had a DVD of a soccer match. It was one I always wanted to see and some great wine. It was turning out to be an interesting night."


Unlike her mother Tori, instead of bringing a movie, Alice brought something Kendra really wanted to see. It was a video of her grandfather's first professional game and wasn't available as it had been originally broadcast more than 40 years ago. But using her mama Jade's connections, she was able to get a copy of it from a Canal 5, a tv station in Mexico City. Kendra was pleased as punch as she had always wanted to see her grandfathers first game, as he had scored a goal that day.

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