Chapter 17 - One simple touch, Part I

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 17 – One simple touch, Part I

Tori's POV

"Lay down." Jade whispered, as she eased Tori on to the bed.

Moments later, Tori was laying naked on top of Jade's black comforter.

An expectant smile formed on Tori's face. "Jade, what are you going to do with me."

Jade paused for a moment and waved her hand over Tori's blindfold, to make sure she was completely unable to see.

Tori could then hear a dark laugh, which did nothing for her nervousness. "Whatever I want to. I might even pour coffee on you again."

"You wouldn't dare."

There was no answer, only the sound of Jade rummaging in the bag from the adult book store. A moment later, she felt, Jade gab her wrist and move it up above her head.

"What are you doing Jade?"

Again, no answer. But a moment later, she felt something soft and furry being fitted around her wrist. Then came the unmistakable sound of a pair of handcuffs being snapped shut.

"Jade‼!" Came Tori's exasperated reply, as she realized she was now handcuffed to the bed.

The only reply was that of Jade softly singing the song, "Singing in the Rain", from the movie of the same name, softly to herself. Before Tori could move her other arm, Jade took hold of it and once again she felt another pair of furry handcuffs being applied.

"Jade, what are you doing?‼!"

Jade didn't respond and in short order, Jade handcuffed her legs to the bed. All Tori could be thankful for was that Jade was using furry handcuffs.


"Don't you trust me darling????" Retorted Jade, in sickly sweet voice.

"Well, um...Yes." Stammered Tori.

"That doesn't sound very convincing Vega! And after all, you're the one that showed up on my doorstep and INVITED HERSELF IN! You're the one that started this ride, so. Hold on and please keep your arms and legs in the car at all times."

"I can't see you." Tori said with a pout.

"You know Vega, I do love you, but there's one thing I thought about you when I first met you and I'll be honest, I still think that."

"What's that?"

Tori could feel something being fitted over her mouth, rendering her unable to speak. "You talk too much! Trina even more so, but I digress."

"mrmrnffff" Was Tori's reply.

"You're Welcome, Tori. Now for the Piece de resistance." With that, Tori could feel what felt like big headphones over her ears and now she found herself in a world of not only darkness, but silence.

Jade stood up and admired her handiwork with a wide smirk. "Tori, you can't move, you can't see, you can't hear and of course can't complain, which is the best of all. Your beautiful, perfect ass, is MINE!"

Tori's POV

I had this all planned out, to the last detail. How I would seduce Jade and make that raven haired Goddess, my girlfriend. Amazingly I succeeded. I got her into bed, ravished her and made her painfully aware that she was actually in love with me. I was literally walking on clouds.

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