Chapter 23 - The best laid plans...

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 23 – The Best laid plans....

Jade's POV

More than a quarter of a century ago, Tori Vega invited herself into my house for a little fun sleepover. She eventually, invited herself into my bed and eventually my heart. She of course didn't make my feelings appear like a magician would pull a rabbit out of a hat. She recognized something in me that I myself didn't really know was there. Or perhaps I didn't want to know it was there. I was firmly in the closet and Tori was hell bent on dragging me out of it. Annoying little minx, isn't she?

But once she had made herself at home in my heart, I couldn't bare the thought of her ever leaving it.

A few moments ago, she whispered the word "Lover" in my ear. It was that same word she whispered me on our first night together. It's a word that one or the other will use when we initiate lovemaking. It seems silly perhaps, but the word has become very important to us. I am her wife; I am her lover and she is mine.

Don't get me wrong, we've had problems, as all couple do. We have our fights and issues; we get on each other's nerves and broke up at least once. Though that was for a grand total of 5 days. We're very loving and passionate and passion is a double-edged sword.

I remember the first day we moved in together in college. It had rained all day; everyone was busy and couldn't help but Cat and we fought all day. Most of the arguments were about where to put the various items in our apartment. By the end of the day were wet, tired and emotionally spent. We had just gotten through a nasty argument over where to put the microwave and I was laying down. Our bed hadn't even been assembled. It was just a mattress on the floor.

I could hear Tori, who had been in the kitchen, come in the bedroom. At the moment I was worried if we would make it. Our first day together was pretty much a disaster. I was also still angry about 100 different things.

I was waiting for Tori to rip into me for something and the fight to start again, but wordlessly she got into bed and began to spoon me from behind. She then reached over and took my hand and squeezed it. We were still clothed and rather wet, but in an instant all the tension, fear and anger I felt, melted away. She didn't say a single word, but she didn't have to. She was saying, that we were still very much in love and we'd be just fine.

At the moment, she's nibbling and kissing my neck. Something she knows perfectly well, drives me bananas. It's working of course as I can feel my whole body start to tingle.

"God damn are you ever so sexy. Sexiest woman in this house, on the whole block even." Tori whispers in my ear, taking a break from my neck.

I quickly look in her perfect brown eyes and smirk. "Vega, you're a beautiful singer but a shitty actress and an even shittier liar. Because I know that you think you're prettier than me. But you are buttering me up, so keep going."

"Ok. Busted, but for the record I am prettier than you."

Not wanting to take that lying down, I quickly flipped her on her back and sat up on her midsection. "Them are fighting words Vega."

Tori didn't miss a beat and quickly began to mock me., "Ooooohhh...the big bad Jade is going to put poor little naughty Tori in her place."

"Tease." I retorted.

"Bitch!" Tori taunted, with a lick of her lips that both angered and enticed me.

Lurching forward, I quickly pinned her to the bed. "DAMN RIGHT VEGA! Looks like someone wants to get topped tonight.

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