Chapter 7 - A thousand things

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 7 – A thousand things

No one's POV

"Me for dessert, hmm" Tori then smiled mischievously, "Sure I couldn't interest you in some chocolate cake instead."

Jade then leaned in and started to kiss Tori's neck for a moment, then slipped her arms around her. "Not a chance, Vega."

"Just as long as I get to have some of my favorite desert." Said Tori, with a kiss.

"Careful what you wish for Vega, because you just got it."

"Trying to scare me?"

"No." said Jade with a kiss of her own. "Just telling you. I've got a reputation for being dangerous you know."

"I'm perfectly aware of that particular reputation. It's actually one of the reasons I fell in love with you."

"So then, you like bad girls?"

"No. I like you. And as far as dangerous goes, I can be somewhat dangerous myself."

"Honestly Vega, up to yesterday, I wouldn't have believed that. Remind me never to turn my back on you again."

Jade then stepped out of the door and grabbed a black duffle bag she had set on the ground just outside. Upon reentering the house, she closed the door and dropped her bag.

While Jade was doing that, Tori promptly slipped behind Jade's back and wrapped her arms around the Goth. Tori then moved back Jade hair and licked Jade's pale neck. "Too late."

"You're a little sneak are you. A sexy sneak, but a sneak nonetheless. Come on, let's eat."

"Jade I have a bottle of wine in the fridge, would you get it please." Asked Tori as she pulled the food out of the bag.


"Where's everyone else?" Asked Jade as she headed towards the fridge.

"My mom is visiting her sister down in San Diego, my dad is working the night shift and Trina's out with her friend Molly. She won't be back until after midnight."

After pulling the bottle from the fridge, Jade closed it and returned to the table. "How convenient."

Tori smiled as she arranged the last of the Chinese food containers on the table.

"Why yes, it is."

The pair then spent a few minutes, pouring the wine and putting the food on their plates. Once done, they sat opposite each other at the table.

"So, Vega. You did give me the basics of your little plan. But I'd like to know the whole thing, from the planning stages to final preparations. Please don't leave anything out."

"It interests you that much?"

"For starters, being the object of this little venture, I have the right to know." Jade then smirked. "Plus, I'll have a better Idea what to look for next time."

"Jade, I got what I want, there won't be a next time."

"Exactly something, someone would say, if they wanted to put someone at ease an let their guard down. As if they were planning something." Retorted Jade, with slight hint of menace in her voice.

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