Chapter 18 - One simple touch, Part II

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 18 – One simple touch, Part II

No One's POV

Tori could feel Jade move again to her breasts. She could feel, much to her delight, Jade's tongue and teeth alternately, work on her left nipple. The fun thing that Tori quickly noticed is that when Jade was biting her nipple, she'd turn the vibrating egg up. Mixing pleasure in one area, with a light amount of pain in another area.

When Jade would lick and suckle on Tori's nipple, she'd turn down the egg. But at the same time, she'd lightly run her fingernails up and down Tori's thigh.

For several wonderful minutes, Jade kept up the alternating pleasure and pain. Of course, Tori could only focus on the physical sensations that coursed through her body. That only seemed to enhance the experience and the stimulation it was giving her. In any case, it was driving Tori bananas. The whole experience was dark, mysterious and utterly fucking sexy.

"FUCK!." Tori thought as she could feel Jade slowly bite down on her left breast as she could feel the egg buried inside her vibrate at its highest intensity. This time Jade bit down just a tiny bit harder. But the pain mixed perfectly with the waves of pleasure she could feel coming from her pussy.

Though the stimulation was limited to two different areas, Tori actually began to feel that jade was doing it to her whole body at once. As if Jade could sense it, every time, Tori began to come close to orgasm, the egg stopped vibrating and Jade slowed down. It was beyond wonderful, but like the mixture of pleasure and pain, she'd feel the sense of frustration as yet another orgasm fell out of reach. Jade teasing her was fully to be expected, the question is how long would Jade tease her and how.

Tori could feel Jade leave the egg, vibrating at medium as the goth climbed on top her and began to kiss her neck. As much as she wanted to touch Jade and return the affection, she couldn't. That in itself, only seemed to add to the pressure that she could feel building slowly, inside of her.

For a time, Jade kissed and licked her neck, then slowly moved down her arm. The kisses were sultry, yet tender. Each one bringing physical pleasures and a feeling of love.

All of sudden the egg went to full tilt and she could feel Jade's finger tips dance in and around her very wet center. She could feel Jade dip one finger inside, followed by another one gently rubbing her clit. Combined with the egg's stimulation, the waves of pleasure grew stronger as if in response to a coming storm.

Unable to contain herself, Tori began to moan and squirm. As before, the loss of the other senses enhanced the stimulation.

Closer and closer it came. She could feel the orgasm building as Jade did her magic.

Then nothing.

A second later, Tori could feel jade not only extract her fingers but the egg as well.

With the loss of yet another potential orgasm, and the feeling of emptiness she felt, Tori raged mentally, "PUT IT BACK IN‼‼"

Tori could feel Jade shift to the side of the bed and apparently sit down. She could feel Jade shifting around slightly then get off the bed.

For what seemed like an eternity, Tori could feel nothing. Jade was not on the bed, nor was she being touched.

"Jade's up to something I know it. What's next" Tori mused with anticipation

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