Chapter 15 - Clean up woman

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 15 – Clean up Woman

No one's POV

Once Tori and Jade had returned to their lunch table, they both looked to see where Beck ended up. Neither could see him and they both figured he was sitting at a table on the other side of the asphalt café.

"Hey Jade?" Asked Andre. "How did Beck take it? I saw Tori snuck around so she could eavesdrop."

After taking a sip of her soda, Jade shrugged. "He's still breathing, if that's what you mean."

Tori quickly interjected "His ego took a huge hit, but he'll recover. He's hurting, but in the long term, I think everyone is a much better place."

Rex Powers who had been rather silent, suddenly broke into the conversation, sounding rather amused. "Just as long as Jade's place is parked between your...."

Rex however never had a chance to finish his sentence, as Tori of all people, reached out ripped off his head and threw it across the asphalt café.

A shriek of terror followed from that direction the head went. A second later a voice of an unidentified girl quickly could be heard booming across the asphalt cafe. "ROBBIE! GET YOUR DOLLS HEAD, OUT OF MY SOUP!"

"Oh No....REX" Robbie cried as he ran to fetch Rex's head.

Jade meanwhile, smirked and kissed Tori on the check. "Thank you, Tori. Not only did you defend your girlfriend's honor. You shut rex up and ruined some random person's lunch all that the same time. Consider me impressed. So impressed, I may have to do something about it."

"And what may that be?"

Jade quickly whispered something in Tori's ear, causing her to giggle.

'Hey" Cat protested. "No fair. I didn't get to hear."

"Imagine that Cat." Jade retorted, her voice heaping with sarcasm. "Me not telling you something, because I don't want half the school to know by 6th period. Besides, it's what I'm going do to Tori and not what I'm going do to you. So, it doesn't concern you. Just eat your lunch and let mommy and daddy talk."

"Ok" Chirped Cat, seemingly satisfied.

Tori then whispered in Jade's ear, causing the Goth's to briefly blush.

By then Robbie had returned to the table, holding Rex's head. That same head appeared to be covered with noodles and was dripping wet with Broth. For a second Robbie, looked like he was going to say something, but Andre nudged him.


The last part of lunch, then went uneventfully, with Andre steering the conversation towards more mundane school related subjects. Once the bell rang, indicating they had 10 minutes to get to classes, they all got up and disposed of their trash. On their way out of the asphalt café, Jade Turned to Tori.

"Vega, don't you have Beck in your next class?"


"Need me to walk you?"

"No Baby" Tori said looking somewhat giddy, knowing that she could now call Jade Baby. "Yours is on the other side of school and you'll be late. Besides, I have a little speech prepared already."

Jade raised an eyebrow. "You think of everything don't you. I never stood a chance, didn't I?"

"None what so ever!" Responded Tori with a triumphant grin.

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