Chapter 26 - More than this (Reprise)

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 26 – More than this (Reprise)

Tori's POV

After Kendra had been introduced to the family, we had an impromptu party. My parents, Trina, her husband, Jade's mom our friends, and some of Kendra and Alice's friends. We sent Carrie on a run to the grocery story to get some beer, soda and some snacks and broke out some good wine. Kendra also invited her parents and they both showed up. The only person who was missing was Jade's father, who was out of town on business. As you may have guessed, everyone was rather shocked, Kendra's parents especially. Though I think the blow was cushioned by the fact Alice's parents were a movie star and a pop star respectively. In fact, Kendra's mom was a huge fan of both Jade and myself.

Both Jade and I took Kendra's patents aside and reassured them Alice's feelings were quite genuine and we would make every effort to give them whatever support they would need. We also said, that we were overjoyed to have Kendra in our family and she was a delightful person. They accepted our reassurances and Alice as their, new daughter, but we could see a good deal of nervousness in their eyes.

It was completely understandable of course. It wasn't the fact that their daughter married a woman, it was the fact that she married pretty much after the 1st date. It was actually Jade, who really spearheaded the effort to make Kendra's parents accepting of Alice. After we spoke with them together, Jade took Kendra's parents aside, separately, and spent a good deal of time speaking with each of them.

The party wound down; we made arrangements to have Kendra's parents over for dinner where we would get to know each other better. Kendra and Alice also announced they would have a standard wedding for everyone else, so no one would be left out. That upcoming wedding would be a subject of our discussions.

Jade and I also made arrangements to meet Kendra, so we could get to know her better. We wanted to meet Kendra privately, but Alice seemed to not trust us with her wife alone. It was too funny, for me to be offended.

Later that evening, it was time for bed. Jade had already gotten ready and was in bed. I came out of the bathroom to see my beautiful, raven-haired wife, clad in a black t-shirt and panties, smiling at me. With anyone else, the sight of Jade smiling at them, would be a cause to get very nervous. But for me, it's the 2nd best sight in the world. The 1st best, being her naked and smiling.

Smiling back, I climbed into bed and as soon as I did, Jade pulled me into her arms. It was a warm and loving feeling. Usually, the first one in bed, will hold the other. Sometimes, we fall asleep that way, sometimes it's only for a few minutes. It's just about us being together, us basking in our love for each other.

As soon as I was safely in Jade's arms, she kissed me on the cheek.

"Love you, baby." She whispered.

"Love you too."

We lay there, in pleasant silence, until I finally asked a question.


"That's my name." Replied Jade in a matter-of-fact tone. "Though my mom said they almost named me Tiffany. Thankfully for them, they didn't.'

"Don't you mean, thankfully for you?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No. Because I would have already changed my name and they'd be dead now."

"Sorry I asked."

"Names aside, I'm guessing you want something."

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