Chapter 21 - Talking it out

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 21 – Talking it out.

No one's POV

No sooner had Jade and Tori pulled out of the parking lot, did Jade dial her daughter Carrie and put it on speaker.

After two rings, Carrie answered. "HI moms. No Alice didn't call yet. Did she get inside?"

"She got in alright." Said Tori "That's all we know. We just saw Laurie's band play and are heading home. They were great. What are you doing honey?"

"Well, I'm not going anywhere. I told Ali that I'd pick her up if this didn't work out with Kendra. And just in case. I have tubs of Chocolate and Mint chip ice cream, and the entire series of Sex and the city, the reboot, ready to go. Until then er I mean let's hope not, but otherwise, I plan to do some the prep work for that dig just south of Tikal, in June. The whole site is almost completely undisturbed and was a major Mayan religious center."

"So, you did get picked for that dig." Jade beamed with pride. "I know you weren't sure which of the graduate students would go."

"Yeah, I learned this morning."

"That's my little archaeologist. Just think, all your friends had pictures of cute boys and various bands on the walls in their rooms and you had a picture of Ah Puch, the Mayan god of death on your wall. You always made your mommies so proud."

"I'm not an archaeologist yet mama Jade. I'm just a lowly, first year grad student."

This time Tori chimed in. "We are proud of you Carrie. Just be sure to let us know if Alice calls."

"Will do mama's. Bye."

"Bye Carrie" Jade and Tori said in unison as they hung up.

"Tori, you think I should text Alice, see if she's ok." Said Jade with a somewhat worried expression.

"Relax Baby. If she needs help, she'll call Carrie. She's our daughter and that means a lot."

Jade, still looking a bit apprehensive, nodded.

For a few minutes, Tori drove home while, Jade looked quietly out the window.

"Jade, I hear one direction, is reuniting for a reunion tour?" Tori said to break the tension, even if it is to talk about a band Jade could never stand.

A frown quickly formed on Jade's face. "Didn't one of them get eaten by a giant octopus?"

"No, that was that girl singer" Tori scratched her head for a moment "Can't remember her name, you know, long pony tail, she was on that tv show. You remember when she died, Cat cried for a week."

"Oh Yeah, freaky but cool way to die, great show though."

"No" Tori said, "it was one direction that had to call off its reunion tour a few years back, when one of them ended up in a body cast because the international space station landed on his car, unfortunately with him in it."

"I remember that." Jade said with a smile. "Too bad, that was a nice car."

For the rest of the ride, Tori kept the conversation going, but sticking to unimportant subjects, ranging from other strange deaths, something which always cheered Jade up, to President Swift's winning of the Nobel peace prize.

Finally, they arrived at home, which was located on that very cliff that Jade had loved all those years ago. Jade had bought it with the money she got from the very first book she sold. It was a horror thriller about a goth girl who decides to seduce what she thinks is an innocent girl, only to find out the innocent girl is actually a succubus. When she showed it to Tori, the Latina was not terribly flattered. At least, until Tori found out that Jade dedicated the book to "Tori, the love of my life"

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