Chapter 4 - Down the rabbit hole

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 4 – Down the rabbit hole

No one's POV

As Jade found herself giving in, not just to Tori's advances, but her own urges, she realized something. Jade realized a lot of things at that particular moment, but one briefly stood out. It was, that from the moment Tori showed up at her door to this very second, Tori knew exactly what she was doing.

There was no element of chance here, none at all. While that was now obvious, Jade was beyond the point of caring about it. She cared more for the fact that not only had Tori suspected she was gay and didn't know it, but Tori was in fact right. Jade of course had fought these unknown urges, but Tori was determined to bring them to the surface.

Her body had already started to betray her, but her mind had held out, part of it at least. But when Tori boasted of not only taking her lesbian cherry, but announcing she'd have no less than 5 orgasms, Jade felt something inside of her break loose. Along with, came a rush of feelings, desires, hopes, that she had kept secret even from herself.

"Tori knew me, better than I did. Better than Beck ever did." Thought Jade, as she sank deeper into the passion of that first kiss.

It wasn't a man's kiss by any means and a few times, Jade had wondered what a woman's kiss would be like. Beck and the other guys she kissed were rough felt more like an intrusion. It just didn't feel right.

Tori's kiss felt soft, warm, inviting, caring, passionate and literally made her swoon. Jade could not think how it felt more right. Just like a few moments ago, Jade realized that Tori had begun to gently caress her chest. It felt so perfect, almost like a piece of her that had been missing had suddenly fallen into place.

The revelations and all that promised to come this evening were bewildering, exciting and terrifying, all at the same time. Almost as if Tori were reading her mind, Tori broke the kiss and began to kiss her neck. At the same time Tori whispered, "You'll be fine, let your body guide you."

Finding herself longing to kiss Tori again, Jade gently moved Tori's head up from her neck and began to kiss her. Instantly, Jade moved her tongue to Tori's lips, hoping to gain entrance. Swiftly granting it, Jade fell deeper and deeper into the kiss as both their tongues and souls began to dance. At the same time, Tori began to run her fingers through Jade's hair. Something which Jade, quickly discovered she very much liked.

With Tori, the passion came so easy. Passion which she paid back her newfound lover 10-fold.

By now, the first song by Bauhaus had ended and the 2nd song on Tori's playlist began, which was #1 Crush, by Garbage. It was a song of longing, and deep dark desire, something which carried Jade further down the stream of passion.

Tori then broke the kiss and moved down to Jade's breasts and quickly began to suckle, lick, kiss and nibble on Jade's right and left breasts alternately. Jade already on a plateau of pleasure, was instantly lifted onto an even higher one as her nipples became rock solid.

"How am I doing...." Asked Tori playfully as she moved from one breast to the other, then latching on.

"Fuck!" Grunted Jade as she arched her back in pleasure. About a second later, she could feel a tingle beginning to form between her legs.

"Vega...who knew your mouth had a talent other than singing, I like this more." Remarked Jade, between moans.

Briefly grinning, Tori planted a kiss on Jade's lips. "By the time I finish with you, you're going to like it a lot more." Tori then went back to work on Jade's breasts, with even more vigor.

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