Chapter 16 - Playing with fire

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 16 – Playing with fire.

Tori's POV

I got a text from Jade, almost as soon as I got into my next class, which was my songwriting class. It was a picture of her licking her lips in a most sultry way.

Just seeing that sent a tingle through my entire body. It also had the effect of making me feel even more sexually frustrated. Something I'm sure that raven haired, maniac had intended.

"That's mean." I texted Jade.

"So what?"

"Are you going to keep doing this keep torturing me until school ends.?"

"Of course I'm going to. I'm Jade after all. Too bad you didn't seduce someone nicer. Oh well...Enjoy class. If you can. Love you...."

The bell promptly rang, forcing me to put my phone away. I then tried to focus on class, but naturally found it rather difficult. In fact, all during the class, my mind was deliciously pondering all the wonderful dirty things jade was going to do to me. Though I admit I should have tried to focus on class, as by the end of it, all I wanted to do was drag her into the nearest closet and let her have her way with me. Damn her, using my own desires for her against me.

As I got out of class, hornier than ever, my phone rang. It was Jade of course.

I answered it and immediately heard her in a most sensuous and husky voice. I think I got wet, just hearing that. "Thinking of me."

"No, not really" I replied, trying to sound aloof and failing miserably. The distinct squeak of my voice pretty much gave it away.

"Liar Liar, pants on fire." Jade chuckled with sadistic delight. "Good for you I plan to remove those pants off of you. Wanna know what will happen next?"

At that point, I was getting rather worked up and immediately responded, not caring how desperate I sounded. "God yes. Please....."

Next came a single sound, "Click" which indicated Jade had just hung up on me.

"YOU BITCH!" I Screeched in frustration, at the phone, earning me several odd stares.

A second later I got a text from Satan herself. "I heard that‼ You'll be late for class. I'll be thinking of all the fun places I plan to touch you in a couple of hours. Try to focus on class, if you can." That was followed by a Middle finger emoji.

I'm sure I could be heard grumbling in frustration all the way to my next class.

No One's POV.

The last class of the day, for Tori, was probably the longest in her life. With each passing second, the anticipation was building inside of her. She couldn't even think of the lecture and her thoughts were so focused on sex, she could barely remember what the lecture was even about. By the end of class, sex was the only thing Tori could think about.

Once the bell rang, Tori was off like a shot, and couldn't get to her locker fast enough. In record time she shoved her books in her locker, grabbed her bag, slammed the locker shut and rushed over to Jade's locker.

Jade was just opening the locker as Tori arrive and as Tori came running up, a devilish smile formed on her face. "My My, someone's an eager beaver?" Jade then leaned in and whispered in Tori's hear. "For Beaver."

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