Chapter 9 - Hurricane

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 9 – Hurricane

No one's POV

Finding herself wrapped in Jade's arms, as the pair lay in bed, Tori couldn't be happier. In fact, Tori very much found herself wanting to remain this way for eternity. It was like being held by love itself, Tori thought. Jade during this time, neither spoke, moved or even opened her eyes. Tori however, knew that her lover was very awake.

After a bit longer, Jade shifted slightly and pulled Tori in just a little bit tighter.

"This is nice, I want to do this all the time. When we're not making love of course." Giggled Tori

Jade said nothing, but in response slowly began to stroke Tori's hair.

After about 15 minutes, Tori looked up at Jade. "My turn. Crawl into my arms."

Without so much as a peep, Jade let go of Tori and slipped into her arms. Of all the things Jade was feeling at the moment, the most prominent was a feeling of utter contentment. It also struck as being almost even more intimate than their lovemaking the night before.

"You know Vega. Something's just occurred to me." Said Jade in a soft but rather amused voice.

"What's that?"

"It's going to be about 100 times easier to get you to do things I want."


Jade quickly smirked. "Just deny you the thing you love most. That happens to be me."

"That's mean!"

"and your point?"

Tori quickly perked up. "I can do the same thing. You'll have to do what I want."

Jade's smirk quickly vanished. "I was hoping you wouldn't realize that. Well, it was fun while it lasted. See you at school tomorrow."

Jade started to move out from Tori's arms but was quickly restrained.

"You're not going to let me go, aren't you?"

"No. Have a problem with that?"

"None at all." Purred Jade as she once again snuggled in Tori's arms. "Let's sleep for a little longer."

Tori quickly closed her eyes. "Your wish is my command."

A few moments later, the pair had once again drifted back to sleep. They only slept for about 45 minutes, with Jade waking up first. As soon as she did, she realized she was still ensconced in Tori's arms. She couldn't help but reflect on that only now was she realizing that being held by a woman, Tori especially, was so soft, warm, comforting, sensual and perfect.

"Please don't break my heart." Whispered Jade, to her sleeping companion.

About 5 minutes later, Tori woke up and released jade from her grasp. At that point the two women lay in bed facing each other.

Jade sat up and gently slapped Tori's behind. "Come on Vega. It's after 10:30. Let's get up, I'm hungry and we have stuff to do."

Jade was first out of bed, grabbing the same robe she had worn earlier. Then she walked over to her overnight bag and unzipped it.

As Jade rummaged through her bag to get her toiletries, Tori got up and grabbed her own robe. "As I recall, we're going to do some lingerie shopping." Said Tori in a sing-song voice.

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