Chapter 10 - Romance and tombstones

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 10 – Romance and Tombstones.

No one's POV

Their first fight, as a couple, being past them, the girls engaged in their first bought of makeup sex. Tori, knowing that she hurt Jade by belittling something she considered important, had decided to really make it up to her. She pushed Jade up against the wall of the shower and continued to kiss her furiously.

After a few moments of passionate kisses, Jade pulled back and smirked. "My, someone's being aggressive"

Tori looked at Jade intensely for a moment, then dropped to her knees. No sooner as she got in that position, grabbed Jade's ass and buried her face right in the Goth's crotch.

Jade couldn't help but lean back and let the warm water cascade over her as Tori ran her tongue across her clit.

Jade opened her mouth to speak, but could only moan in response.

Eagerly, Tori attacked Jade's pussy with her tongue and within moments, Jade felt like she was well on her way to yet another orgasm. That in combination with the water and steam only seemed to enhance the intimacy of the experience.

In fact, Jade has this crazy thought of this shower being a baptism of sorts. A baptism of a new way of life, a new girlfriend.

But the thought quickly passed as the orgasm came rather quickly.

No sooner had that passed, then Tori had grabbed the soap and slowly and gently started to wash Jade. Tori took her time in gently and slowly lathering up Jade's body, kissing various parts of it as she went along.

"I kind of like this. I think I could get used to this."

Tori looked up in response and smiled. "You will."

Once Tori had finished lathering up Jade, she moved Jade under the water and rinsed her off.

"Come on Vega, hand over the soap. My Turn."

Just as soon as Jade started, she could hear the toilet flush. Suspecting what would happen next, Jade pulled Tori out of the stream of water. No sooner as she had done so, the water turned briefly hot.

"TRINA!" Tori screamed, as she poked her head out from behind the shower curtain.

With a rather insincere looking of surprise, Trina turned to Tori. "Oh my, I hadn't realized you were in there."

"Bullshit Trina!"

Trina chuckled and moved toward the door. She quickly stopped and in a mocking voice said. "Oh Tori, how did your PLAN go!"

"What plan!"

"You know, that plan for you to seduce Jade. God how pathetic."

"You knew!"

"Of course I did. I was looking for top to borrow and found that ridiculous journal you wrote everything up in. It was good for a laugh. I thought briefly of telling Jade, but I thought it would be more fun to see you fail. God I look forward to her humiliating you on Monday. I haven't been around, but I can only assume....."

Trina, who was in the middle of gloating over Tori's failure when a pale hand shot out from behind the curtain grabbing her arm. A moment, the head of a very angry looking Jade popped out from behind the curtain. Not expecting this sudden development, Trina suddenly turned white and screamed.

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