Chapter 12 - Succubus

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 12 – Succubus

No one's POV

I had arrived home about 5:30 and the entire ride from Tori's house, my mind remained firmly on who else, Tori.

But once there, I got in my room, sat at my desk and put on a cd I made of good study music. The first song on the disk was Incubus, Succubus by Xmal Deutschland. As they say, it's an oldie but a goodie from a very cool 80's German Goth rock band. As much as I had hoped the song would help me focus, the word Succubus made me think of Tori. After all I did say she was the devil, yesterday. She's not the devil, just a very sexy succubus, and she's my succubus.

But as the next song, Lucretia My Reflection, by Sisters of Mercy came on, I was just getting into study mode. At least until I remembered that this song was on Tori's little disk of Let's seduce Jade music. Stupid Tori, now I'm thinking sexy thought of her when I'm supposed to be concentrating on 18th Century Gothic Plays.

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted her, "It's all your fault!"

A few moments later a reply, came from a contact that I had previously labeled, "The Evil One" AKA Tori.

"What is my fault?"

"You ruined on of my favorite goth songs, Lucretia my Reflection, Not I can't study to it, because now it makes me think sexy thoughts of you."

"Oh MY! I can think of one solution for that." That was followed by a winking eye emoji.

"NO! I NEED TO STUDY! Tell me, when you're in your natural succubus form, just how big are your wings?"

Her response was quick and just as tempting. "Wanna come over and find out?"

At that moment, I found myself very tempted, to drive right over there and fuck her brains out. Instead, I screamed in frustration. I then barked. "Going to take a cold shower and then try to study. It's still your fault. Later Vega!"

I then pulled out my Goth music, studying CD and put on my depressing and moody Classical music cd. No more sexy thoughts for me, I need to study. As I could hear the first notes of Siegfried's Funeral March from the Opera, Gotterdammerung by Wagner, I found myself able to focus.

I then forced out a certain Succubus from my mind and threw myself into my work. For the most part, I found myself successful. Though at one point I began to let my mind wander and found myself doodling. Soon enough I found at the top of my notes, a heart with T+J inside, not to mention the heart had a devil's tail and horns.

By about 9:30 I had finished my homework and was able to relax. I was glad Tori cut me some slack and left me alone for a bit.

As did finish, I did text tori. "Remember, don't tell anyone, especially Beck, until I arrive."

"Don't worry, I'll let you crush his heart in person." She texted back.

My homework was done, so I tried to sit down and relax with a movie. I figured I'd watch an Italian Gaillo film, which are great. I had had just gotten the DVD for the 1971 Dario Argento classic, Four flies on Grey velvet so I put it in and began to watch.

However, I found myself getting increasingly restless and I simply couldn't relax. My mind kept going back to the events of the weekend and how suddenly things had changed for me. Perhaps restless is a bad choice of words, but this was all a lot to digest and how can one relax when you have all these events spinning through your mind.

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