Chapter 22 - Alter Ego

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 22 – Alter Ego

No one's POV

Tori's POV

As we got in the house, Jade kissed me on the cheek. "I'll make sure the house is locked up. Be up in a minute."

I nodded then gave Jade a rather dubious look. "I'd better not hear the theme from the scissoring coming from the living room?"

Jade rolled her eyes and started to walk away. "You know Vega, that joke wasn't funny the first time you told it, nor the 1000th."

"I think it's funny" I quipped, as I headed towards the stairs.

"You would!" Came Jade's, voice from down the hallway.

Making it upstairs, I quickly extracted something from the dresser in our room and headed into the bathroom that connects with the Master bedroom. Once inside, I shut the door, washed off my makeup, brushed my hair and put on the lingerie that I had planned to wear tonight.

As I was getting ready, I could hear Jade in our room, muttering something about people hogging the bathroom. She would then head over to the bathroom down the halls, the girls would normally use.

I had other preparations to make, so I finished quickly with a little spritz of the perfume that I know Jade loves on me most. Once in our room, I lit some candles around the room and set something very special to play on the stereo.

Once prepared, I lay on the bed in a very sultry pose, waiting for Jade.

About a minute or two later, I could hear Jade coming down the hallway. A moment later, she appeared in the doorway, taking a moment to lean against the frame.

Much to my delight, she was wearing lacy, pink baby doll lingerie, one very similar to the one I bought her that first time to the mall. On top of that her black hair looked beautiful, her eyes were sparkling and she had a most devilish smile. My heart started to pound, just seeing her. Even after all these years, she sets my soul on fire. Jade does have a very feminine side, extremely so, but it's only for me.

I coincidently, was wearing leopard print lingerie that was nearly identical to the one she had first bought me. She loves this one on me. I have a wild side, which is only for her.

She took a step into the room and looked towards the stereo, then back to me with a raised. "That sounds familiar."

"It should, it's the same playlist I used the first night." I then smiled seductively, "Wanna sleep over......"

Jade slowly walked up to the side of the bed, taking her time to give me a good show. When she reached the side of the bed, she smirked.

"Do I have a choice this time?"

No One's POV

Tori slid over to the edge of the bed and threw her legs over the side and wrapped them around Jade. At the same time, she wrapped her arms around Jade's midsection.

Tori then looked up at Jade and smiled mischievously. "You don't want a choice, you want me. And conveniently, I want you. And I have no intention of letting you out of this bedroom unfucked. I can only imagine you have something similar in store for me."

Jade's smirk melted into a rather tender and loving smile. "I love you. My dear wife."

Tori returned that loving smile tenfold. "I love you too Even if, you're the 2nd prettiest woman in this house."

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