Chapter 11 - Bonding

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 11 – Bonding

No one's POV

No sooner than Jade and Tori were in the car, Jade hit the gas and took off like a bat out of hell. Not even having had time to put on her seatbelt, Tori was immediately tossed toward the door as Jade zipped around a corner.



"We're going to end up in that cemetery a lot sooner than you think, if you aren't a bit more careful."

After a brief glare, Jade turned her attention to the road. "Beck criticized my driving once, I made him walk home."

"From where?"

"Long Beach!"

"That's over 30 miles!" Tori then smirked slightly. "But I know you wouldn't do that to me."

Jade looked very unimpressed with Tori's rather confident statement. "Says who?"

"Says me!"

Jade then took another turn just a bit too tight. Only this time Tori had her seat belt on. "and why is that precisely, Miss smarty pants."

Tori's smirk turned into a grin. "Well first of all, I have one distinct advantage over Beck."

"What's that?"

"You! Love me!"


"Well, that and if I have to walk 30 miles home, I'd be really tired. So tired in fact, I'd be too tired to make love to my girlfriend for....mmm...about 3 or 4 months."

Jade quickly huffed in defeat, then muttered "Stupid love of my life, Tori. Now I have to keep her happy. That's no fair."

Upon hearing the words, love of my life, Tori instantly became giddy with excitement. "I'm the love of your life."

"and your point is?"

"You won't make me walk."

Jade quickly nodded. "I see, but the question is, are you going to continue to criticize my driving. Because, I can get tired too."

Tori's face quickly fell. "Darn!"

After a few moments of an odd silence, Jade turned on the radio and took Tori's hand. "Hey, how about Sherman Oaks Galleria. It's about 15 minutes it's decent sized, we can get something to eat and it's..."

"Private, as in far enough away so the odds of running into anyone we know, are fairly remote. Not to mention where they filmed Chopping Mall."

"Very Good. I'm impressed. Though I do hate the fact that it's been extensively remodeled since they filmed that, Fast times at Ridgemont High, Commando and a bunch of other movies. They turned it into an open mall. I so wanted to act out the kill scenes in Chopping Mall."

"Have a nice day." Tori responded by quoting the phrase the Killbots from Chopping mall, would say after every kill.

"There's hope for you yet, Vega!"

Traffic was light, so they arrived at the mall without any delay. Tori also refrained from making any further comments regarding Jade's driving.

As they parked Tori pointed to the Victoria Secret store that was right off the parking lot. "Our destination awaits."

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