Chapter 20 - Here we go again

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 20 – Here we go again.

No one's POV

Note: 28 years have passed since the last chapter.

It was just past 7:30 PM and in a quiet residential neighborhood, sat a black minivan. Parked under a streetlight, it's 3 occupants were talking amongst themselves.

In the driver seat was Tori West-Vega. In the passenger seat was a casually dressed young woman that looked remarkably like Jade, but with Tori's eyes. Her name was Alice Hardy Vega-West.

In the back seat, with a somewhat dour expression on her face, sat Jade West-Vega, Tori's wife of 26 years.

"This is weird. For the record of course." Remarked Jade, as she leaned back and sighed.

Alice looked towards Jade and frowned. "Mama, I thought you were all for this. Are you saying I shouldn't go?"

"No Princess" Tori said with a smile. "That's not what's Jade's saying she's just acknowledging the rather odd situation. She is in complete support of you."

Tori then turned to her wife. "Right dear?"

Jade nodded quietly.

A few weeks ago, Alice, while looking for something in the basement, found the original journal where Tori had planned her seduction of Jade. It wasn't a mere seduction of course, as her mothers were happily married. They weren't without problems, but the bond of love between them was very strong. She and her two sisters were products of a new technology allowing the combining of eggs and as a result, she and her sisters were truly their daughters. Alice, after reading the journal, realized that while Tori took a giant risk in getting Jade to realize her true sexuality and feelings, the result was magic.

Alice looked down at the large duffle bag and the large brown paper, bag that had a wonderful aroma of delicious Vietnamese food coming from it. She then looked to Tori. "Mom, ok it's a bit strange, you helping me set this up, but that's how you two started. Off. You're happily married, have three daughters and both are really successful. I had always thought you had just asked Mama out, but just showing up and announce your sleeping over. It was so beautiful, so romantic."

"So devious." Quipped Jade from the back seat.

"That Too." Acknowledged Alice with a nod. "But you're so happy. I want to be happy and I know Alison, her feelings are all locked up like mamas was. I love her and have been in love with her since that first day of soccer practice, freshman year at college."

Alice, now in her 3rd year of college was rivals and frenemies with a fellow player on her college soccer team. One she developed deep feelings for. It reminded her a lot of her own mothers' rivalry.

"Didn't she kick you in the knee that first day, Alice? "

"Didn't you pour coffee on Mom's head on her first day of Hollywood arts?"

Other than a low grumbling sound Jade said nothing.

Alice continued. "But when I found Mom's journal, where she planned it all out, I loved it. I knew this was the way. I had to try that with Kendra. I know she's just waiting to break out. I love her so much. And I know deep down she loves me." She then turned to Tori. "Thank you so much adapting this for today, for her and me."

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