Chapter 8 - Together

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 8 – Together

No one's POV

The previous night, though Jade gave in, there was a good deal of uncertainty, struggle, resistance and confusion that she felt. After all, the whole having sex with a woman, Vega especially, was a seismic shift in her whole being. As she pulled Tori tighter as the kiss between them deepened in intensity, Jade felt none of those conflicting emotions. In fact, she found herself embracing her new feelings and sexual identity as much, as she was currently embracing Tori. For Jade, those were all one in the same.

After a few moments in what Jade could only consider a perfect and tender kiss, she moved her lips to Tori's ear and softly whispered.


Upon hearing that word, that very same word she whispered in Jade's ear the previous night, Tori couldn't help but pull back and smile broadly. That one word was beautiful music to Tori's ears as Jade was now in fact, her lover. But it was more than just a physical connection, it was that Tori knew that the bond between them would grow into something truly beautiful.

Seeing Tori's smile, Jade couldn't help but smile back. In that instant she knew exactly what Tori was thinking and couldn't agree more.

Wordlessly, tori reached down and began to unbutton the buckle on Jade's skirt. Jade in kind did the same to Tori as the pair slowly began to undress each other. Never before did Jade ever realize, that such a simple act as them undressing each other, could fill her heart with so many feelings of anticipation and desire. She wanted to show it all to Tori, not just her body, but her soul as well.

With Beck, though she quickly rid her mind of that name, the same act was rather mechanical and devoid of any emotion. She was now caught up in a current of desire and love and was happy to let it take her to whatever lay ahead.

Moments later, the pair stood naked in front of each other.

Tori then took a look down at Jade's discarded black skirt, top and undies lying on the floor. Then with a rather mischievous smile, said. "My very favorite place for your clothes. Lying on the floor next to my bed. They're going to be spending a lot of time there from now on."

Jade couldn't help but smirk. "Oh, will they now?"

Tori then slipped her arm round Jade and softly kissed her. "A whole lot of time there, right next to my clothes." Tori then paused to give Jade another kiss, letting their tongues briefly touch. "Together."

"You're so beautiful." Jade said in a bashful, but sincere tone of voice. "I really mean that."

"I know you do." Tori then ran her hand through Jade's hair. "You're more beautiful."

Jade couldn't help but blush slightly, but before she could say anything in return, Tori took her hand.

"Let's make love"

As Tori led her to the bed Jade, after a very brief moment of self-reflection, chuckled slightly. "How odd."

With a concerned look, Tori paused. "Is something wrong?"

Jade smiled then squeezed Tori's hand and looked into her eyes. "No. In fact, everything is right. What's odd is that I never really was the romantic type. Unlike other girls, I thought it was silly, full of useless fluff. And I thought they and you of course, were stupid for liking it."

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