Chapter 19 - Worth it

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 19 – Worth it.

No One's POV

When Jade's eyes opened back up again, she realized she was still laying on Tori. However, from the grin, firmly fixed on her lover's face, Tori obviously didn't mind.

Just a bit groggy, Jade muttered. "What happened."

"Before, during or after the mind-blowing sex?"

"Afterward you nitwit? What did I fall asleep or something? No, I couldn't have. I was just closing my eyes for a minute. Only guys fall asleep after sex." Growled Jade.

Tori laughed almost instantly. "You've been asleep for almost 40 minutes." Tori then looked down and smirked. "With your strap on, buried inside of me the entire time."

With great amusement, Tori watched as Jade's eyes bugged out. "Oh my god. I fell asleep, How could I I'm a girl, I'm not supposed to do that kind of thing."

Abruptly, Jade pulled out of Tori causing a small popping sound. Looking down she could see the amused look on Tori's face quickly morphed into a rather intense looking frown.

"Jade! At no point did I tell you to take that out of me. In fact, I rather liked it there and you on top of me." Tori's frown intensified even further. "Now I feel all empty and unloved"

Jade moved off the bed, looked down at the strop on, still attached to her and laughed darkly. "You're too much Vega. What the fuck am I going to do with you."

"Well, recent comment aside, unless you want me to pee in your bed, you may want to release me from these handcuffs." Then with a sly look Tori quipped. "Unless you like that sort of thing, then I can..."

"OK, OK, I'll release you." Jade barked as she ran to the bag from the sex store and pulled out the key. Then in rapid succession unlocked all four handcuffs. Then she pulled a black bathrobe out of the closet and threw it towards Tori.

Tori picked up the robe and thew it on, with a look of slight disappointment. "You mean you really don't want to..."


Tori lowered her head and shuffled slowly to the door, "And I thought you really loved me."

Jade sneered and pushed Tori towards to the door. "Really funny Vega. Just shut up and pee.....JUST NOT IN MY ROOM!"

As Tori left the room, she mockingly muttered, "Yes, Your majesty."

"I HEARD THAT!" Came a booming voice from Jade's room as soon as she closed the door behind her.

A few minutes came back into the room to see Jade, still naked, sitting on the edge of the bed with a somewhat dreamy expression. The strap on, now lay discarded on the floor.

Tori was quick to disrobe and sat down next to her. A second later, Jade put her arm around Tori and put her head on her shoulder. Every time she put her arm around Tori, she felt special. It was a wonderful feeling Jade could never get enough of.

"I would have never been truly happy, had you not awoken this part of me." Said Jade softly after a minute of silence.

"Are you?"

"Yes." Jade said as she pulled Tori just a bit closer.

"I'm glad and very happy too. And for the record, you've been through a lot the last few days, so you falling asleep, is perfectly understandable. In fact, it was damn cute. You'd better start to work out though, to build up your stamina. Because I plan to spend a lot of time.....Tiring you out."

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