Chapter 6 - Rollercoaster

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 6 – Rollercoaster

No one's POV

Spotting her phone on the floor, Jade rushed to grab it. She wanted nothing more than to call Tori and scream at her now absent lover. But upon inspecting it, she could see the screen was shattered. She realized that after she had thrown it, the phone must have broken when it hit her dresser.

Realizing she had been totally fucked, physically and metaphorically and at the moment there was absolutely nothing she could do about it, not to mention she had to do laundry and replace her phone, Jade let out what could be considered a primal scream.


After she was done screaming, Jade found herself taking in the smell of sex that permeated the room and found herself wishing Tori was still there.

"FUCK! She got to me last night and she's still getting to me." Ranted Jade as she snatched her bathrobe off the back of her door.

Continuing to rant as she headed towards the bathroom, Jade found that her emotions were spinning round like a tornado. "I'm going to find her and chop her in to little pieces........Just not that magical tongue of hers. DAMN!"

In the shower a few minutes later, Jade couldn't help but see a single short and curly hair on the soap that Tori had left behind. Instead of throwing her even further into her rage, Jade just starred at it and for a moment touched it tenderly.

Somehow managing to push all of that aside, at least temporally, Jade finished showering and got ready. By then it was almost noon.

Once she was dressed and ready, her first order of business was to open her bedroom window and air out the room. Next, she stripped the bed and put the sheets and bedspread into a laundry basket. While she could wash the sheets in the washer in the basement, the thick bedspread needed a larger washer, only available at the local laundromat. So, she decided to do it all there. After that would be a trip to the mall, where she'd replace her broken phone.

On any other day, that would be just a series of mundane tasks that needed to be accomplished. But this wasn't any normal day. Pulling out of the driveway, tried to focus on what she needed to do, despite the fact she was still riding an emotional rollercoaster. A rollercoaster that seemed to have no end.

Thankfully the laundromat was empty. The last few times she had to go there, there always seemed to be some mother with a couple of hyper kids in tow. Either that or some idiot guy who thought a laundromat was a good place to pick up girls, would be lurking about

This time, the only company she had was her thoughts of Tori. Though she tried to read a cheap horror novel, she couldn't escape them. Nor could she escape what she was feeling. The rage, the anger, the desire, the memories, it was all there.

Though in all of it, Jade remembered one thing. When she first saw Tori in her bed, she had an odd thought of that fish guy from Return of the Jedi. That scene that popped in her head at that very moment, was that character uttering the famous words.


That brought a further realization, that did not help settle her mind at all.

"On some level, I knew it was a trap, yet I walked into it anyway."

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