Chapter 13 - Reveal

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 13 – Reveal

No one's POV

Seen her? Of course, I've seen her. Every square inch of that delicious, pale body of hers, as I brought her to heights of sexual pleasure and ecstasy that you couldn't even dream of. I popped her lesbian cherry and I might as well as tattoo my name gorgeous ass of hers, because she's MINE‼

At least, that's what I wanted to say. Instead, I paused for a moment then said.

"Sorry, haven't see her. Why?"

Beck shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "It's nothing really. I called her on Friday and she sounded a bit weird."

Probably because she was getting her brains fucked out at the time, by someone that was not you. I couldn't have timed his call more perfectly, if I had planned it. I can tell it's eating him alive to know that she was with someone and has no idea who.

I shrugged, despite the fact that I had to bite my tongue from laughing in his face. Beck is a nice guy and a good friend, but all's fair in love and war.

"Perhaps you caught her at a bad time. I have to get ready for my first class. Sorry I couldn't help you."

He patted me on the shoulder. "No worries. See you later."

For a moment I almost felt bad as he walked away. I'm too busy feeling cocky at the moment anyway. He'll recover and besides, this school is littered with girls who'd give their two front teeth to nurse his broken heart.

I ran into Andre on the way to Sikowitz's class and I found myself really wanting to share what happened with him. Not on a boastful sort of way, but just as a friend who wants to share really good news.

I also found myself looking for Jade, hoping I'd turn around and she'd run up and give me a big hug then a huge kiss. But let's be real, this is Jade and I may get a hug and a kiss, but she'd probably kick me in the shin first. That's what makes her so, Jade.

I had to tell someone I really did; I was just busting a gut to tell. Trina knew, but she wouldn't say squat as she knows that Jade would, DO, things to her. Her one comment to me this morning when we were briefly alone in the kitchen was.

"When Jade murders you, probably during sex, I'm going to inherit all of your clothes. And there won't be anything you can do about it."

I couldn't think of anything particularly clever today, so I made a mental note to scare Tina 7 more times, at the worst possible time for her.

I then glared at her for a few more seconds, before resuming my breakfast.

It was after third hour, when I got a chance to tell someone, I just had to. I was dying to tell my secret. I have English that hour with Robbie and after class he went to talk to the teacher about an upcoming term paper. But as he did that, he left Rex at his desk. I waited for a few more seconds for the class to clear out and then I ran up and whispered in Rex's ear.

"Friday night, I seduced Jade then fucked that absolute shit out her, then I did the same Saturday night. And I'm going to do the same tonight. How about them apples."

Rex being an inanimate piece of plastic, said nothing. Though if I didn't know better, I'd swear that his face had an almost disappointed look on it. Having unloaded my burden, I dashed out of the room, before Robbie notices. As I headed to my locker to get my books for the next class, I couldn't help but Text Jade.

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