Chapter 14 - Letting him down easy

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 14 – Letting him down easy.

No one's POV

"Shouldn't we stop her Jade?"

Jade, looking extremely annoyed, shook her head. "No, wait to she finishes, then I'll finish him off."

Andre glanced over at Cat, who was still relating the story to beck. "Jade, what you going to do about her? I'm guessing you wanted to break the news."

"You guessed correctly, I should have known that Cat would probably run off and tell. As far what I'm going to do." Jade appeared to think for a moment. "Nothing permeant, but I'll think of something."

Tori kissed Jade on the cheek. "I'm sure you have plenty of opportunity to destroy his self-image."

Robby looked puzzled for a moment. "Tori, you seemed like the last kind of person who'd want to see anyone's self-image destroyed. Besides, Beck's your friend."

"I'm just being supportive of my new girlfriend. Part of a healthy relationship you know. As far as Beck goes, he'll recover."

The group ate and watched Cat and Beck's conversation from their table.

"Hey Jade." Andre said between bites. "He's looking kind of mad."

Jade raised an eyebrow. "Oh Well"

A moment later, they watched at Cat finished up and walk away from a now angry looking beck.

Jade, with a mischievous looking expression, stood up and started to walk towards beck. "That's my que folks. I'll try not to leave too much of a mess."

She then walked quickly towards Beck, who had moved to just inside the school doors.

"Hello Beck." Jade said in cheerful voice, knowing perfectly well it would antagonize him.

"Is it true!" He barked.

Keeping her tone of voice light and cheerful, Jade responded. "What's True? If you mean that bit of graffiti in the 2nd floor girls' bathroom about Ryder Daniels and Mrs. Handley the librarian, I don't know actually, but...."

Not in the mood to be patronized, Beck quickly cut her off. "You know what I mean Jade! What Cat just told me? Is it True?"

"I guess it all depends on what Cat's told you. She's not the most reliable source of information you know."

"ABOUT YOU AND TORI!" Snapped the Normally calm Canadian.

Jade's expression morphed to one of confusion, mixed with innocence. "Me and Tori what?"

"About how Tori came over on Friday and seduced you!"

A smirk quickly formed on Jade's face. "Oh, you mean that! Yes, very true. In fact Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very True."

"So, when I called, you were actually doing it, WITH TORI NO LESS! DID YOU DO THAT TO FUCK WITH ME."

"No, Tori wanted to fuck with you. Answering the phone wasn't my idea. Though in retrospect, it was pretty funny. But I digress. Just for the sake of clarity, and the fact that I had no idea what Cat, said, let me fill you in."

Before a rather angry looking Beck could respond, Jade started to tell a PG-13 rated version of the weekend. She did leave out some very intimate and personal details that we're meant for her heart only. She did however, make it absolutely crystal clear that Tori got her off no less than seven times on Friday night and a few more on Saturday. She went through how Tori ditched her and essentially manipulated her into a loving relationship. Finally, Jade finished up with the events of Sunday.

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