Chapter 3 - Reeling her in

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 2 – Reeling her in

No one's POV

With an unmistakable look of anger, Jade walked up to her bed and motioned towards the floor.

"Real funny Vega! Now get the fuck out of my bed!"

Tori looked back at Jade, as her smug expression morphed into a rather disappointed one. "Come on, I'm sleeping over. When you slept over at Cat's you slept in her bed. I saw the video on the slap where she told you that knock-knock joke."

"Don't remind me" Hissed Jade. "First that red headed ditz, wakes me up, then she tells me a stupid Joke, then I find her brother wearing my bra. That was one of my best bras and I had to burn it. Plus, I only had to sleep over because my parents didn't bother to tell me they were having the house fumigated, until the day it happened."

"Then why didn't you sleep in a sleeping bag at Cat's house?"

"Because, the only one at Cat's was her brothers and it smelled like cabbage."

"Well, I'm not going to wake you up, I don't like knock-knock jokes, my sister isn't here and I have bras of my own. Yours don't fit me anyway. You have a much chest."

Still not amused, Jade's response was rather snide. "Thank you for noticing, now get out of my bed!"

"Come on" Tori whined. "It will be so fun, and this bed is so big and comfy." Tori then felt the sheets. "What, these sheets must be at least 400 thread count. These are nice."

'They're 600 count for the record, now GET OUT OF MY BED!"

"Come on Jade. Be a sport. How about this, instead of me getting out of the bed, you get into it with me. We can tell each other secrets, giggle and have fun. That's what you do at sleepovers."

For a moment, Jade lowered her head and growled. "Normally, she'd yell and scream until the invading organism left her bed, but she just didn't feel like arguing about it anymore. There was also the wine she drank. There was also that odd feeling of tension, which kept trying to move up from the recesses of her mind, despite her best efforts.

"Get out, please." Jade asked, having resorted to asking.

"What are you chicken?"

Abruptly, Jade screamed in frustration, "Nobody calls me a chicken." She turned on the light on the nightstand, went and turned off the bedroom light, then climbed into bed with Tori. Once there, she turned to face Tori, but stayed on the other side of the bed.

"You win again, Vega! Why, I have no fucking idea. Happy now!"

Tori grinned. "Yay."

Jade scowled rather intensely "Now what!".

Tori paused for a moment, then spoke in calming tones. "Relax Jade. Sure I was uninvited, but you enjoyed dinner, you enjoyed the movies I brought you and it must have made you comfortable enough to open up to me. You haven't had a bad moment yet. We've had fun. I'm not here to make you feel bad or make you do anything that you don't want to. I just want to make you feel better. I just didn't like seeing you like this, hiding yourself away."

After glaring at Tori for a few moments longer, Jade muttered "Thank you."

"You're welcome, it was my pleasure."

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