Thank you, hyung!

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-I'm telling you, Hyunjin! He's a pain in the ass. I'm so fucking mad on that disrespectful kid. I wanna beat the shit out of him, Minho complained while pacing back and forward in his room.

He turned his gaze towards his best friend and yelled:

-Are you even listening?

Hyunjin was on his phone, completely ignoring the older. He sighed and put the phone beside him.

-Hyung, I'm single as fuck. I'm not really in the mood to listen to your romantic trope.


-Look, hyung. I've known you since forever. If I know a single thing about you is that you are into love-hate relationship. Enemies to lovers. Whatever. I mean...look at me! I annoy you regardless and you still call me your best friend.

Hyunjin had a point, but Minho was too proud to admit it.

-Did you hit your head? It's definitely not like that.

-Really? When we first met, you threw my toy cars into the fountain. And all I said was "Hi!".

-You didn't adress me properly.

-I was 5! And you're not royal. Just because your mom is an important CEO doesn't make you the center of the universe.

Minho rolled his eyes.

-You really need a check up there, Minho mumbled pointing to Hyunjin's forehead.

-Do I? There are servants here that have been working for more than 10 years and you don't even know their faces. Why? Because they obeyed and never spoke.

-What's your point?

-You don't know their names.

-Because they never told me.

-Yes, they did. Multiple times. I know them all and I am just a passers-by. However, you know the boy's name.

Minho opened his mouth to respost, but realised Hyunjin was right.

-Tell me his name.

-Han Jisung, Minho whispered embarrassed.

-Exactly my point, replied Hyunjin smirking.

-Then come with me to meet him! I'll prove you how much of a bastard he is, Minho said dragging Hyunjin by the hand.

Jisung was taking care of the tulips in the garden when Minho and Hyunjin came after him. He rose his gaze and dusted off his overalls.

-Can I help you?

-You're Jisung, right? Hyunjin asked with an akward smile.


-Amm.... Hyunjin had no idea what to say. He noticed Jisung's cheek was dirty, so he whiped the dirt with his thumb without realising.


-It's ok. Thanks! Jisung smiled at him.

-Have we met before? Your face seems oddly familiar.

-In a good way or a bad way?

-Good. Definitely good. You look like a warm person.

Minho got pissed and slapped Hyunjin in the back of his head.

-Stop flirting, you idiot!

-I'm not!

Jisung left out a chuckle which he hid behind his hand.

-I'm Hyunjin, by the way. Minho hyung's bestie.

-Nice to meet you, sir!

-Oh, no need for that! We're the same age. Call me Hyunjin.
-Ok, Hyunjin.

-So, Jisung, why gardening? Don't get me wrong, I love flowers. I just couldn't stay all day in the sun and dirt.

-My mother used to teach me the plants when I was a kid. She was in love with roses. She used to tell me that our family was royal long time ago and the roses were our family's heraldry. After she died, I decided to get a job as a gardener for the summer, so I can pay my College.

-I'm sorry for your mother! What about your father? Hyunjin asked placing his hand on Jisung's shoulder.

-He is a simple man. He can barely make money for the both of us. He also lives far away from here. That's why I asked Miss. Lee if I can stay here for the time I work here.

-You live in the house?

Jisung nodded making Hyunjin turning to Minho.

-You live in the same house and you didn't know?

-It's a big house, Minho shrugged.

-Did you eat, Jisung? Hyunjin bent down to be at Jisung's level.

-Not yet.

-Great! Let's go eat! The three of us!

-No! Minho said immediately.

-That means is his treat, Hyunjin smiled.

He took both of them by the hand and entered a cafeteria.

The waiter approached them with a bored look. The moment he saw him, Hyunjin got excited.

-Welcome to our cafeteria! What would you like to order?


Seungmin looked at the table and analysed all three of them.

-That's an interesting group of people. The spoiled kid, the poor flower boy and the guy who swore he will never leave this place without my number.

-It worked tho, Hyunjin said smiling....Until I realised you gave me a fake one.

-I don't like insisting guys.

-Simp, Minho mumbled before being nudged by Hyunjin.

They ordered their food and Jisung buried his face in the cheesecake.
Minho was watching intrigued since the younger was eating while covering his mouth with his hand.

-Why are you doing that? he finally asked annoyed.

-Do what? Jisung replied clueless.

-That! Hiding your mouth when you laugh or eat. Do you have some missing teeth or what?

-Hyung! Don't be rude! Hyunjin said squeezing Minho's shoulder to calm him down.

Jisung let down his hand and revealed his cubby cheeks muffled with food.

-He looks like...

-A squirrel, completed Minho.

Jisung gulped while his cheeks turned red.

-You know what, Jisung? Hyung actually consideres you cute right now. How do I know that? Look at him!

Mimho was staring at the boy, blinking repeatedly.

-He finds you adorable, trust me.

After that, they returned to the house.

-It was great meeting you, Jisung, Hyunjin said.

-I think so too. Thank you, hyung!

-Oh, I told you to call me Hyunjin.

-I know, Jisung replied before slipping his gaze to the right where Minho was standing.

-Your welcome, Jisung! Minho forced himself to answer.

Hyunjin smirked and when he got out the gate, he jumped in the air in victory:

-I am the best match maker ever!

The most known meaning of tulips is perfect and deep love.

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