Last man standing

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Felix didn't open the door for Jisung, so the latter went to Minho's room and after looking around, he flopped on his bed and fell asleep immediately.

In the morning, this familiar smell lingered around his nose.

He inhaled it all, then he remembered the scent of Minho's shampoo.

He knew it by heart since Minho asked Jisung to prepare him a bath while he was still his servant. Memories Jisung was trying so hard to get rid of.

But that smell was so calming. While hugging Minho's pillow, he was feeling safe, like nothing could harm him anymore.

"What's wrong with me?" he asked himself after realising what was he doing.

He got out of the bed and found Minho's notebook.

His curiosity pushed him to read once again the page dedicated to him.

It was different from the last time Minho read it to him. It had more details written on the corners of the page. He was impressed by Minho's sense of information.

Everything was noted there. The curtains fiasco, the moment when Misses Lee splashed them with water, the day when they fell in the roses bushes, the trip to Jisung's home, the kiss Jisung gave Minho on the cheek... Everything was there.

"I have a pretty bad memory" Jisung remembered Minho saying that.

However, for a jerk, to note all these stuff... Minho cared for Jisung from the very beginning. In his own messy way.

-Jisung! The latter turned around and saw Seungmin coming towards him in the garden.

-What's up, Min?


-Yeah... I thought it's cute. You don't like it?

-I do. It's just... Hyunjin calls me "Minnie". It took me by surprise, Seungmin mumbled.

-By the way, he spoke again after a good minute of silence. Have you seen him?

-Oh... Hyunjin, Minho hyung, Jeongin and Changbin hyung went to Mister Lee's mansion. They should be back tomorrow morning. Why? I thought you are avoiding Hyunjin.

-I was... But I figured out I act stupid. I should talk to him.

-Seungmin, can I ask you something? Jisung sat down on the border.


-Why do you hate Hyunjin?

-I-I don't hate him. I could never. -Then what is going on?

-He is insisting and pulling these lame pickup lines. At first I got really annoyed. But he kept coming back. Now I want him to find someone that shares his feelings. Someone that loves him as much as he does.

-What about you? Jisung followed with his eyes every move of Seungmin.


-Yeah. Why don't you give it a try?

-Hey, I'm not taking advice from you! I heard what happened between you and Minho hyung. And isn't that Minho's shirt you're wearing?

Jisung started blushing when Seungmin brought that up.

-You, guys, are hopeless, a voice commented.

They glanced behind and saw Felix sitting down on the grass and waving at the wrong direction.

-Felix, we are more on the right, Jisung corrected the boy.

-Right, sorry! You two are ruining my plan. I gave up so much for this and you are waisting your breathing days on some drama. There are worst things on the planet than your crushes! Try having a relationship while being hunted down by other Kingdom, he crossed his arms.

-What? Seungmin asked genuinely confused.

Jisung shrugged, not knowing how to explain Felix's behaviour.

Felix sighed, then come up with a brilliant idea. While Jeongin was gone, he could use Seungmin for his experiment.

-Seungmin, can you help me get to Jisung's room? I forgot something there.

-Sure, the youngest said getting up and taking Felix's hand to guide him.

-Can I sit down?

Jisung looked up and spotted among the sun rays a silhouette.

-Who am I to stop you? he smiled.

Chan sat down next to Jisung and looked at the flowers around him.

-Minho hyung is not here.

-I know, Chan replied awkwardly.

-Neither Jeongin.

-Why would I be here for Jeongin? Chan rubbed his nape.

-Because you two are a thing, Jisung blurted out.

Chan's eyes widen in shock.


-I think you are a cute pair.

-Thank you... How did you know?

-I just noticed how you look at him. Your eyes always slip to the side where he sits. You look at him like you are afraid he's gonna escape and run away and get lost into the mist. Like you will never see him again. It's heartbreaking to watch. It's like holding a flower in your hands. It's gonna wither eventually. It's just up to you how long it will last. And I'm sure Jeongin is in safe hands with you.

After Jisung finished his little monologue, he looked back at Chan only to see the older crying.

-What did I do? he started panicking.

Chan wrapped his hands around Jisung and mumbled a "Thank you" in his ear.

-No problem, Jisung patted him on the back.

-What did you lose? Seungmin asked, trying to help Felix.

-My magic, your memories, my eyesight, the love of my life....


-I need your help! he suddenly screamed almost causing Seungmin a heartattack.

-With what? he said breathing heavily.

-Just relax your body and sit on the floor. I will try to bring some memories in your brain.


Seungmin didn't have time to react when Felix concentrated all his energy to one point on Seungmin's forehead.

The latter started feeling dizzy and fell on the floor. A huge headache started sticking him.

-Stop it! Please! he begged when he felt his head hurting. Please, stop it! he yelled with tears in his eyes.

Felix sensed the fear in his voice and retracted all the magic.

-I'm sorry! I thought I can fix it...

-What was that?

-Magic. Jeongin probably should be the one explaining it to you. You won't believe me.

-Why did it hurt? Why was it quiet? -You were the only one standing. No voice to call your name. That's why you can't remember anything.

-Last man standing? From what?

-From war, Felix said with a serious tone.

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