The Penelope scheme

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-Who the fuck did this?

The loud scream startled the whole house.

-I guess Jisung is up, Changbin said to Felix.

They all gathered in front of his room and saw the boy holding in his hands a torn-down curtain.

-What happened? Hyunjin asked looking at the cuts on the material.

-Someone came last night and ripped it apart. I worked so hard at it. Today I was supposed to finish it, Jisung said looking down at the material in his hands. I did it like my mother taught me. I thought I could make her proud, he said hugging the curtain.

They looked with pity at him.

Only Minho crouched down next to him and helped him fold the curtain.

-It's alright. I will buy a new one, he said slowly.

-But our agreement- Jisung stopped himself when he realized Chan was in the room too.

-You're free. It's ok. You can help me buy a new one and we are even. I'm serious.

-Thank you...Jisung couldn't face Minho, so he kept his gaze down.

Felix was the only one that remained in the garden.

He was meditating under the willow tree when he suddenly felt a spark of power flowing through its roots.

He took it and tried to project an image of the past. It could have been so much easier if he saw what he was doing, but fortunately, he heard the voice of prince Jisung talking to Seungmin.

"We don't have to worry about it now"

Felix smiled in relief. He knew if he concentrated enough, he could show Jeongin the past and even bring back everyone's memories. He just needed time.

-Who could do such a thing? Poor Jisung...Hyunjin said flopping on Minho's bed.

-Yeah... Poor Jisung, Minho repeated, staring at the floor.

-So why did you do it?

Minho snapped back to reality and looked with big scared eyes at Hyunjin.


-Why did you cut the curtains?

-How did you-

-Oh, please! Who else would have done it? You're the only one that has something against him. So?

-I-I didn't-

-It was you?

They both whipped their heads towards the door and saw Jisung who overhead the conversation.

-That's despicable even for you, he spat back pointing to Minho. You wanted so bad to humiliate me that you extended my servant time?

-No, listen!

-Save it! You're a bastard! Find yourself a new boyfriend. Maybe Hyunjin can make out with you in front of Chan! he said before slamming the door behind him.

-He is mad, Hyunjin added.

Minho sighed and ran his hands through his hair, gripping hard.

-But really, hyung? That was a dirty move. He worked hard to fix that curtain. I saw him staying up all night to sew it perfectly.

-I know! I didn't mean it like that. I just...

-You what?

-I didn't want it to end, alright? Minho yelled at Hyunjin.

-End what?

Minho kept it silent until Hyunjin figured it out by himself.

-You didn't want Jisung to stop being your fake boyfriend... You didn't want him to go back to the garden and work there all day. You wanted to keep having excuses to spend time with him. Hyung, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you perhaps starting to like Jisung? Like in that way?

Minho avoided eye contact which gave Hyunjin the answer he needed.

-You do. You have a crush on him. You thought you could make him work at that curtain forever if you rip it off every time. You pulled a Penelope scheme.

-I'm not proud of that.

-Hyung, you need to fix this. He hates you right now.

-I know. I just have no idea how.

Jisung was in his room, washing his face when he heard a knock at his door.

-Who is it?

No one answered.

He sighed and dragged his feet to the door. He opened it and met with Minho.

-What do you want?

-I want you to teach me how to sew.

-I thought you want to buy new ones.

-I want to sew them. I want to do it myself. Just tell me what to do, please!

-Fine, Jisung gave in. Come in! he backed off to make room for Minho.

The latter sat down on the bed and took the curtains in his hand.

He took the needle and stung himself a couple of times before Jisung sat down on the bed and coordinated his hands.

He showed him how to do it...How his mother used to do it.



-Can you come with me to my father's grave?

Jisung stopped for a second, then looked at Minho in disbelief.

-I know how much you miss your mother and you made me realize I should at least visit him once, Minho added.

-Yeah. I think I can go with you, Jisung answered almost inaudible.

So later that day, they drove to the cemetery, when Minho finally met with his father.

He had a blank face, not sure what to do or how to react.

But Jisung was there to squeeze his hand.

The moment he felt their fingers intertwining, Minho broke into an ugly cry.

Maybe he did miss his father after all.

-I'm sorry, Jisung! I was selfish.

-It's ok, the younger replied patting his back. I forgive you. Now talk to your father, ok? I will be right there if you need me, he said pointing to another grave.

Minho didn't question it until he saw Jisung sitting on the cold concrete and picking up the weeds growing on a grave.

-Say hi to Minho, mom! he said smiling.

Minho's heart dropped to his stomach while a lump formed in his throat.

-Why- How?

-This is her hometown. Dad wanted her to be buried here. It must be fate that both our parents found their peace in this cemetery, Jisung answered.

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