A man in love is a mad man

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-Hey, baby! Chan sneaked his hands on Jeongin's hips.

-Hey, the younger smiled as he threw his hands behind Chan's nape.

-Wanna tell me why did you lie to me last night? he raised an eyebrow.

-What? Jeongin played shocked.

-I called Minho. You two weren't even here last night. Felix! he moved his gaze towards the freckled boy.

-Why me?

-Because wherever there's trouble, there's also you. Am I wrong?


-Thought so.

-I can explain. Don't be mad at Felix. We did something good.

-But not legal, Felix completed.


Jeongin widened his eyes in panic and pulled Chan into another room to explain the situation, leaving Felix alone in the hall.

He bent his head and looked at his hand, trying to distinguish colors.

Suddenly a hand took his and intertwined their fingers.

And the colors became brighter under Felix's astonished eyes.

He turned around and saw Changbin smiling at him.

-What are you doing?

-I am testing something, Felix said starting to connect the dots. Changbin, I wanna talk to you about something...

-Ok. What's the matter?

-I... I mean...I've been... I just...

-I like you too, Felix!

-Really? Felix asked blushing.

-Of course. How can I not? Would you like to be my boyfriend?

-Yes! I would love that! Felix started jumping in excitement right in Changbin's arms.

He closed his eyes shut to enjoy the warmth of his body and the grip around his waist.

When he opened them back he was hit by all the bright colors and lights he could barely remember.

His sight was back. Because of Changbin. He had paid his debt.

-What's wrong? Changbin asked seeing the younger crying.

-I can see you, Felix traced with his fingers the features of Changbin's face. After all these years... I can finally see you, he broke into a smile. My Changbin. God how I missed seeing your face!

-Hey- Oh! Am I interrupting something? Minho smirked seeing the two in a hug.

Felix got shy and hid in the crock of Changbin's neck.

-What do you want, hyung?

-Have you seen my medical records? I need them for the job at my grandpa's company. I found a few, but I need the ones which attest the surgery.


-Yeah, I got into an accident when I was a child. I fell from the balcony and almost broke my neck. A few pieces of glass cut through it at the back. I had surgery and stayed in the hospital for 4 months. So it's a big deal.

-Your neck? Felix walked towards Minho.


-Not your stomach?

-Nope. Never had problems with my stomach.


Felix went in a rush to the other room and jumped on Jeongin, both falling to the ground in front of the unbothered Chan who got used to every crazy thing they were doing.

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